
Contributions to the distance education and online learning community

Writings, congress contributions and presentations

This is a review of good practices in video in higher education in the Netherlands. It is the result of interviews with teaching staff and support staff of mostly Dutch universities and a number of other higher education institutes.

I presented and/or served as a discussant at the following events

EDEN Research Workshop in Oldenburg DE - July 2016 -View proceedings

EduLearn IATED Conference in Barcelona ES - July 2017 - View proceedings

SURF Seminar on Student Generated Video Utrecht NL - March 2018 View presentation

Media & Learning Conference Leuven BE - June 14 -15 2018 View Program

ICER 2019 SEOUL - International Conference on Education Research at SNU, Seoul, October 16-17 2019 in Seoul KR. View Program

SURF Education Days - National Dutch congress for Tertiary Education, November 5-6 2019 in Den Bosch, NL. View Recap

Digital publications

The good practice review of video in higher education was digitally published in

Media & Education - previously, a Dutch Knowledge Platform powered by SURF and hosted by the SURF Special Interest Group Media & Education

Media and Learning Newsletter by the international not-for-profit Media and Learning Association, headquartered in Belgium

Memberships and affiliations

SURF Collaborative Organisation for ICT in Dutch Education and Research, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

    • Member of the SURF Media & Education SIG
    • Member of Open Badges Working Group
    • Member of Learning Spaces SIG

UKB the Dutch consortium of the thirteen university libraries and the National Library of the Netherlands.

EDEN the European Distance and E-learning Network

Video contributions

Video design for effective learning

This knowledge clip on Richard Mayer's Multimedia theory explains how to design a video with the most effective learning results. The video is a adaptation and translation from a Dutch clip by Don Zuyderman. Design adaptations, filming and editing by Britte van Meurs. Translation, text adaptation and presentation by Ilse Sistermans.

Video & copyright

Knowledge clip on educational video, copyright and image rights in the Netherlands. Design, filming and editing by Britte van Meurs. Content and presentation by Ilse Sistermans. This clip was made for Maastricht University.

Creative PBL practices at Maastricht University

In this one-minute trailer, Maryam Asoodar and Ilse Sistermans briefly introduces a series of creative PBL Practices of UM teaching staff. These creative methods are based on the constructive, collaborative, contextual and self-directed approach to learning that define Problem-Based Learning at Maastricht University

Website contributions

I contributed to content - in case of VideUM also design - of the following Maastricht University Library websites

  • the Maastricht University portal to the university video platform, and support portal for staff and students on the topic of video creation, production and implementation.
  • The Open Education Portal of Maastricht University Library
  • The E-Learning Portal of Maastricht University Library