Are you a leader seeking to help others understand how faith connects with life?

Do you want better handles on how to understand the complex issues that we face as Christians? 

Do you wish to see the church engage more winsomely with culture

About the Curriculum

The Illumine Christian Worldview Curriculum has been developed to help us love God through the world He created and which He continues to shape. It aims to sharpen our understanding of God's will in all spheres of life, that we might love the Lord fully, and our neighbour as ourselves. 

The curriculum is designed for use in a small group setting (e.g. cell-groups, leaders’ training, Sunday School class) to ensure that participants are able to process and personalize the information through conversation and deeper sharing. 

For more information on the curriculum components, click here.


Module 1:
Introduction to Worldviews

This module is a prerequisite for all other modules. It covers the what and why of worldview thinking and grounds the curriculum in our local context.

Module 2:
Work and Economics

The average person spends about 1/3 of their lives at work. Module 2 explores this important topic from a Christian perspective.

Module 3:
Family and Church

Module 3 looks at how the church can think Christianly and respond faithfully to the issues of singleness, having children, and same-sex marriage.

Module 4:
The Church and Culture

We live in a world that is both baffling and beautiful. This module looks at how we can better navigate the complexities of our current milieu, as well as better appreciate and cultivate the good in our culture.

Module 5:
The Internet, Sciences and Technology

Do faith and science conflict? Should we embrace or fear AI? This module aims to help us respond Christianly to some of the technological conundrums of our time and explores what it means to be human in today’s world.

Module 6:
Politics and Community Life

How can we engage as Christians in a secular and pluralistic society? What are our roles and responsibilities as Christian citizens? This module explores these issues (and more) in our uniquely Singaporean context.

Why This Curriculum?

Information on Leaders' Training