
With the building of a new shed, I finally decided to build myself a forge and start back at smithing, something I had only played with in the past.  The forge is a historic-styled, side draft forge with a not-so-historic electric fan that I installed.  I am forging using homemade coal and only hand tools.  To see available smithed items, check out the "Currently For Sale" page.

I have not been much on wearing a sgian dubh in the past as much of what is available is not very useable. Some sgianan are very pretty but not useable. I am also one who does not like bulky things in my hose.  The only really good sgianan dubh  that I have seen are quite dear in price.  I decided that it was time to start forging my own. I wanted to create sgianan as comfortable as possible. My goal was l to make a reasonable, real knife with a razor-sharp edge that can be used for cutting rope, dressing a grouse, gralloching a deer, or slicing some apples. I want them to be working, functional, yet traditional knives for folks that really use them. 

Check me out on FACEBOOK, Instagram,

or contact me at

My Maker's Mark

The "old" maker's mark, pre - October  2021

And my new maker's mark as of October 2021