
Log your volunteer hours here: 


NHS provides an excellent tutor/tutee system as a way to help your classmates while gaining leadership experience and earning sponsored hours. Check out the tutoring page for more information: 

Other Opportunities

Volunteer-based IHS Clubs: ECO Club, Key Club

IHS College & Career Center: Scroll down for a spreadsheet full of local volunteer opportunities! https://sites.google.com/site/issaquahhsccc/volunteer?authuser=0#h.p_ID_168.  

Local Youth-Led Organizations: Check out @youthhelpingyouthseattle on Instagram for many different options!

Pen Pal for a Senior: Write handwritten or emailed letters to senior citizens! https://www.readytocare.com/take-action/become-pen-pal/ 

7 Cups of Tea: Provide mental health support through volunteer listening! https://www.7cups.com/listener/become-a-volunteer-listener.php

Transcribe for the Smithsonian: Transcribe historical documents for the Smithsonian! https://transcription.si.edu

If there's a certain subject or social issue you're passionate about, looking up volunteer opportunities related to it often yields interesting results! There are volunteer editing positions at literary magazines, writing positions on science blogs, and more. Please email us if you'd like any more suggestions!
