
Current research interests

Origin, Development and Disappearance of Epistemic Objects

The study of the dynamics of epistemic objects in the history of science has been a major concern in the field of HPS in recent years. Jaume Navarro has devoted a significant part of his work to the history of the 19th and 20th centuries as a recalcitrant object in physics. Urko Gorriñobeaskoa has followed this path while developing a framework for the historiography of epistemic objects in general. José Luis Granados studies the emergence and development of the Earth System as an epistemic object during the 20th century. 

Reflection on the Limits between Classical and Modern Physics

The boundaries between what is known as classical physics and modern physics have been fruitfully disputed by both historians and philosophers of physics in recent literature. Following this line, Jon Pérez and Amaia Corral explore the paradoxes emerging from the concept of infinite. From a philosophical standpoint, Beñat Monfort reflects on the epistemic value of non-empirical physics in modern cosmology. In a more historical manner, Jaume Navarro and Urko Gorriñobeaskoa's work on the ether also deal with the contingency of this demarcation

Philosophical Implications of Scientific Pluralism

Most of the historically oriented works of the group point at the idea that science develops in a more pluralistic manner than it may seem at first glance. The philosophical implications of such pluralism are deeply explored by Joseba Pascual, whose work focuses on the classification and assessment of the diverse versions of pluralism in current literature. 

Science, Culture and Religion. A Historical Perspective

The relations between science and other major forms of epistemic and cultural activities are a main concern of the group. Jaume Navarro's work has revolved around the historical origins of the conflic thesis in the science-religion debate and its reception in Spain. Most recently, he has co-edited a volume on Science, Religion and Nationalism with Routledge. Further connections between science and culture have been explored by Bárbara Jiménez within the oeuvre of Charles Darwin.

Funded research projects

Edumd T. Whiitaker: Physics, Infinity and Scientific Pluralism

PID2020-118639GB-I00 (2021-2024). Ministry of Science and Innovation. Government of Spain. 21,800.00€

PI: Jaume Navarro

Also Involved: Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia, Amaia Corral, Urko Gorriñobeaskoa, Joseba Pascual

Integrated History and Philosophy of Science 

GIU22_025 (2023-2025). University of the Basque Country. 28,165.00

PI: Jaume Navarro

Also Involved: Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia, Amaia Corral, Urko Gorriñobeaskoa, Joseba Pascual, Beñat Monfort, José Luis Granados, Bárbara Jiménez

Science, Religion, Nationalism and Atheism: A network of “spring schools” 

Small/03/120 SCiReNa (January 2024-June 2024). INSBS, International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society. £17,900.00 

PI: Jaume Navarro and Kostas Tampakis

Past research projects

Science and Religion in Europe and the Americas: A modular curriculum  

(February 2022-July 2022). IRNSBS, University of Birmingham. £6,250.00.

PI: Jaume Navarro and Kostas Tampakis

Engineers in Spanish "Science and Religion". Historical origins of myths and contemporary uses 

(October 2020-July 2021). INSBS, International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society. 18,346.82€. 

PI: Jaume Navarro 

Tecnologías epistémicas, producción de conocimiento y legitimidad de las ciencias 

HAR2015- 67831-P  (January 2016-December 2019). MINECO, Government of Spain, Proyectos Excelencia. 35,574.00€

PI: Jaume Navarro