

Jaume Navarro Vives (PI)

Jaume Navarro is Ikerbasque Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). Trained in physics and in philosophy, his academic career has focused on the history of physics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and on the historiography of the sciences. After completing his PhD on the disciplinary and conceptual boundaries of early particle physics, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge and Imperial College (London), and a Humboldt fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. 

He has published extensively on the intellectual and cultural transformation of physics at the beginning of the twentieth century in the British Journal for the History of Science, Studies for the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, History of Science, Centaurus and Science in Context, among other journals. He is author of A History of the Electron. J.J. and G.P. Thomson, (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and.He has also edited or co-edited a number of  collective volumes, including Ether and Modernity (Oxford University Press, 2018) and Research and Pedagogy. A History of Quantum Physics through its Textbooks (Edition Open Access, 2013), and special issues in journals such as Science in Context, Centaurus, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics and Zygon. He is also interested in the historiography of the relationships between science and religion, being the author of Ciencia-Religión y sus Tradiciones Inventadas (Tecnos, 2022) and co-editor, with Kostas Tampakis of Science, Religion and Nationalism (Routledge, 2024). 

In 2017, he was elected president of the Commission for the History of Physics (CHP) of the IUHPST/DHST. During his presidency, the IUPAP and the IUHPST/DHST agreed a Memorandum of Understanding to transform the CHP into an inter-union commission for the History and Philosophy of Physics, of which he was elected president in 2021.


Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia



Bárbara Jiménez Pazos

Bárbara Jiménez Pazos is a lecturer in Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country, attached to the Philosophy department in San Sebastián, Facultad de Educación, Filosofía y Antropología. She's currently teaching undergraduate subjects at Facultad de Relaciones Laborales y Trabajo Social, Campus of Álava (Vitoria-Gasteiz).

Her research interests focus on Darwinism and its socio-philosophical implications. In recent years, she has combined the philosophical study of Darwinism with Computational Corpus Linguistics methodologies. Her aim has been to take a deeper look at Darwin’s language and, thus, to be able to draw stronger conclusions about the conceptual heritage we have received from Darwinism, which is a constitutive pillar of the contemporary scientific worldview. 


José Luis Granados Mateo

Jose Luis Granados is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, member of Clare Hall College. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Industrial Engineering from the University of Navarra, and completed a diploma in Industrial Organization and Innovation at IESE Business School. After co-founding the IT startup MugiCloud, he transitioned to a research role within the Corporate Development department of CAF, a leading global train manufacturer.

As an educator, Granados began teaching physics, chemistry, and mathematics at international baccalaureate schools while pursuing a master's degree in science education. His academic journey progressed with the pursuit of an MPhil and an international PhD in Philosophy, Science, and Values, in collaboration between the University of the Basque Country and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He served as a visiting student at the Institute for Science, Innovation, and Society (InSIS) at the University of Oxford, under the guidance of Prof. Jerome Ravetz. Granados also assumed responsibility for organizing and teaching Civic and Professional Ethics in various engineering programs, as well as Economics and Business Ethics at the University of Deusto.

His research interests revolve around the intersection of science, technology, values, and society, with a particular focus on Earth System Science and the Anthropocene. Granados is on the verge of publishing his forthcoming book, "The Construction of Human Time," with CSIC Editorial. He also collaborates with radio and written media outlets, such as National Geographic. Beyond his scholarly pursuits, he has worked as a personal and professional development coach, holding accreditation from the Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy (AETG).

Amaia Corral Villate

Amaia Corral Villate is a PhD student from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her PhD project is being supervised by Jon Perez Laraudogoitia.

Urko Gorriñobeaskoa Artolozaga

Urko Gorriñobeaskoa Artolozaga studied Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). After completing his degree, he specialized in history and philosophy of science by taking a master’s degree in Philosophy, Science and Values at the same university. He is currently working on his PhD on the historical epistemology of the ether under the supervision of Jaume Navarro at the same institution.

His research interests revolve around the relationship between history and philosophy of science. He has explored the history of the integration of history and philosophy of science, paying special attention to the French épistémologie historique of the first half of the 20th century and the historical epistemology of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science from 1994 to the early 2010s. He is also interested in the history of physics of the 19th and early 20th centuries, especially the history of the ether as an epistemic object and its abandonment by the 20th century.


Joseba Pascual Alba

Joseba Pascual-Alba is a Predoctoral Fellow at the University of the Basque Country –benefited by the Basque Government to carry out his doctoral project. He first studied Communication (University of Deusto), immediately followed by Philosophy (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU). He completed a Master’s Degree in ‘Philosophy, Science and Values’, in the joint program of the UPV/EHU and UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonomy de México). During 2023, Joseba was a visiting PhD student at the University of Cambridge, sponsored by Hasok Chang.

Throughout those years, Joseba developed a methodological interest in integrating History and Philosophy of the Sciences, based mainly on the works of Ian Hacking. His lines of research combine pluralism and materialism, broadly speaking. Thus, in his on-going doctoral thesis, he works on a historical and philosophical assessment of the notion of “scientific pluralism”, under the supervision of Jaume Navarro. In particular, he is interested in clarifying the very notion of “scientific pluralism”, specifically investigating the kind of pluralities that work integrated through the coordination of diverse scientific practices (e.g., vulcanology).

Beñat Monfort Urkizu

Beñat Monfort studied Physics at the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV) and took his master’s degree in Particle Physics and Cosmology at the University of Barcelona (UB). He then became interested in philosophical issues in theoretical physics and continued his training in the Philosophy of Science with another master’s degree at the EHU/UPV. He is currently doing a PhD at the same university in the field of integrated Philosophy and History of Science under the supervision of Jaume Navarro and Pablo Ruiz de Olano.  

His research interests concern philosophical questions about scientific methods and theory confirmation in theoretical physics, where meta-empirical aspects of the theory become important. In particular, his PhD thesis examines the theory of cosmic inflation from a historical and philosophical perspective. The aim is to better understand the reasons for the dominance of the inflationary paradigm over its alternatives. To this end, he analyzes the context in which the theory emerged and critically engage with the current debate in the field of inflationary cosmology.