Searching for your Fieldwork Experience

During your first term abroad

Pro Tip: Keep Communications Chart of who you've contacted and when, so you can better organize your communication efforts! Think: Who, How, When, Result.

  1. Send an Initial Contact Email to your Network:

    • Professors of courses you're taking abroad

      1. Email, stay after class, use instructor's office hours

      2. If your instructor doesn't have a lab opportunity, ask if they know of anyone who they could connect you with

    • Study your host university's departmental website, and identify three research areas of interest

    • Connect with the International Office

    • Check out your host university's Career & Development and/or Research Office

    • Tap into your student peer network abroad

    • Keep in contact with your IGP Language Mentor and NAU Subject Mentor

2. See what IGP Alumni have completed in our IGP Fieldwork Database

3. Conduct research on local opportunities and send direct outreach

  • Local companies (ex: engineering firms, labs, hospitals, etc)

4. Still not finding something? Schedule an appointment with your region lead. Bring your Communications Chart of who've contacted: we can brainstorm together!

Following Your Leads:

Document your progress in the Communications Chart.

You may have a few promising leads that do not pan out so be sure you are reaching out to several options at once.

Stay Persistent!

After your initial email, follow these steps:

  1. Send follow-up email

  2. Call/leave a voicemail

  3. Go in-person

  4. Move to plan B, C, D...etc.

Secure a Meeting? Next Steps:

  1. Send a confirmation email with supporting materials

  2. Review NAU Career Development's Interview Tips and Tricks

  3. Practice your introduction and explanation of fieldwork expectations in your language.

  4. Bring the following hardcopies with you:

    1. Your English and Language Portfolios

    2. Mentor Expectations and Check-List (Use to explain what you're looking for in the experience)

      1. Spanish version found here

    3. Student-Mentor Contract (Just in case, they're ready to start ASAP. Use this as a guide for the information you need to collect. You will type this into a digital form and email directly to your Host-Country Mentor)

  5. Send a Follow-Up to say "thank you for your time"

  6. If you get a rejection email, send a "thank you for your consideration" email. If you get accepted, move on to Step 3.

Found a match? Complete Step 3 "Securing your Fieldwork"