1933: German Rearmament

In 1933, Hitler walked out of the World Disarmament Conference and quit the League of Nations as he faced opposition from leading countries in the League and at the Conference.

He had blamed France for the failure of disarmament, claiming that he could not leave his border defenceless when France refused to compromise and react by reducing their armaments.

After Hitler’s withdrawal from the World Disarmament Conference, it was clear that he aimed to rearm Germany, against the Treaty of Versailles’ terms. Germany began to openly rearm in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Which restricted Germans armed forces to only 100,000 men in the army, no submarines or aeroplanes, and only six battleships.

How did Hitler rearm?

How did countries respond?

The Stresa Front

This was an alliance/pact between Britain, France and Italy formed in April 1935. It aimed to: 

However, the Stresa Front's weaknesses were exposed:

The Anglo–German Naval Treaty

It was a bilateral agreement made between two parties without the consultation of others.

In June 1935, Only 2 months after the Stresa Front was established, Britain and Germany signed the Anglo-German naval agreement in which Germany was allowed to increase its navy to a maximum of 1/3 of the British navy. This was done without consulting Italy or France.

Why did Britain and France not take any action when Hitler defied the Treaty of Versailles?