Linear and nonlinear control Lab

Lab Chair

Prof. Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan

Professor and Dean of the Research and Development Center,

Vel Tech University,

Chennai, India.

Fields of Interests

  • Chaos Theory, Hyperchaos and Synchronization.

  • Linear and nonlinear control systems,

  • Soft computing,

  • Modelling and Simulation

Lab Vice Chair

Dr. Ahmed Rhif

Polytechnic School of Tunisia,

University of Carthage, Tunisia

Dr. Ahmed Rhif (Tunisia) is a Researcher PhD-Engineer. He has several years of experience on Scientific Research, Teaching and industrial projects. Ahmed Rhif has worked as a Technical Responsible Chief in LEONI (International Leader of Wiring Fibers Companies) and has occuped also the task of Project Manager and Method Engineer in both SMSI (electronic development industry) and CABLITEC (Engineering automobile company). Then he was a Lecturer at both the Private University of Sousah (UPS) and the High Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies of Sousah (ISSATso) and now he is working as Lecturer in the High Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies of Al Qayrawan (ISSATk). He has published a Book and several papers in International Conferences and International Journals.

He is currently serving as an editorial board member and reviewer of several International Journals such as: IJCAT - IJICS - IJITCA - IJCTCM - CEEE - IJSET - PET, and he is also serving as a reviewer with the IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics, the Energy Conversion and Management journal (Elsevier) and the International Journal of Control(Taylor & Francis).

He is also a Founder and general chair of some reputed international conferences such as: CEIT -CIER - ACECS - IEM - BEMM and GEEE. Ahmed Rhif is also the Founder and the Manager of both the International Center for Cultures & Sciences (C2S) and the International Publisher & Co (IPCO).

Fields of Interests

  • Modelling and Simulation

  • Control Systems

  • Embedded Systems and Electronic Cards

Lab Members

Fernando E. Serrano

Central American Technical University (UNITEC), Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Fernando E. Serrano was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in October 21st, 1979. He received a B.S. in industrial and systems engineering from Universidad Tecnologica Centroamericana, Tegucigalpa, Honduras in 2003 and a MSc. in electrical engineering from Florida International University, Miami, Fl. USA in 2007. He is a reviewer of some prestigious journals, conferences and book chapters related to the automatic control field and actually is an active researcher in automatic control.

Fields of interests

  • Passivity Based Control

  • Backstepping Control

  • Robust Control

  • Sliding mode control

Dr. Fekik Arezki

University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria

Arezki Fekik was born in Tizi-Ouzou,Algeria, on May 20, 1990. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou , Algeria, in 2011, 2013 and 2018, respectively. He is currently working at the LATAGE laboratory, Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou and Akli Mohand Oulhadj University -Bouira. Fr Arezki is working in the area of power systems, power converters, power electronics and control systems. His research interests include the application of modern control methods (Fuzzy, neurone Petri nets…) to AC/DC converters and Multicellular chopper.

Fields of interests

  • Control Systems.

  • Power Converters

  • Power Electronics

Dr. Fatima MOULAY

Sidi Bel Abbes’s University, Algeria

Fatima MOULAY received the Engineer degree in Electrotechnics in 1990 from Sidi Bel Abbes's University, Algeria and the M.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering from University of science and technology of Oran, Algeria, in 2000.

Dr Fatima obtained her Doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from Sidi Bel Abbes's University in 2014. She is currently a lecturer in Sidi Bel Abbes's University, Algeria.

Her research interests include:

    • Power systems optimization

    • Power electronics

    • Renewable energy and harmonic

    • FACTS devices modeling

    • Linear control and Nonlinear control

    • Adaptive control

    • Optimal Control

    • Robust control