Getting Better @ Getting Better

Thursday, June 4

How We See Students of Color Matters

11:00 a.m. ET 10:00 a.m. CT 08:00 a.m. PT

Beyond the “English Learner” Label: Recognizing the Ingenuity of Multilingual Learners, and Reimagining Pedagogical Possibilities Beyond the Pandemic

Ramón Antonio Martínez, Assistant Professor, Stanford University

As a category, English learner conceals the many strengths that bi/multilingual children bring to the classroom—strengths on which we might build to support their language and literacy learning.

Followed by a Leaders’ Discussion with Speakers

  • Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer, Dallas ISD

  • David Kauffman, Executive Director of Multilingual Education Team, Austin ISD

  • Lydia Stack, Past President, TESOL

  • Gabriela Uro, Director of English Language Learner Policy and Research, Council of the Great City Schools

Select Readings

1:00 p.m. ET 12:00 p.m. CT 10:00 a.m. PT

Leadership Matters: Building a Culture of Learning & Improvement

Martha Bujanda, Marsh Middle School Principal, Dallas ISD

Tequila Butler, Marsh Middle School ELA Coach, Dallas ISD

Naya Rivers, Marsh Middle School ELA Teacher, Dallas ISD

Denise Collier, IFL Fellow

Sara DeMartino, IFL Fellow

For meaningful change that has a positive impact on student learning to take place, schools need to build a culture of learning and improvement for all members of the school community. In this session, you will hear from one middle school team that has successfully developed protocols and tools for enacting and studying change ideas, including how leadership plays an integral role in fostering a community dedicated to growth through change.

Session Materials

3:00 p.m. ET 2:00 p.m. CT 12:00 p.m. PT

Accountable Talk® Discussions: Shaping Student Voice and Growing Minds

Cheryl Sandora, IFL Fellow, and Rosita Apodaca, IFL Executive Director

There are many benefits to engaging students in productive talk, and in this session, we will examine the important role Accountable Talk practices play in equitable instruction. By analyzing classroom video and reviewing tools that support productive talk, participants will have the opportunity to explore how Accountable Talk discussions give all students a voice while developing their thinking.

Session Materials

Generating Design Ideas for District Curriculum Maps/Pacing Guides

Victoria Bill and Joe Dostilio, IFL Fellows

Looking for ideas to infuse conceptual teaching and learning into your curriculum maps/pacing guides? In this session, we will look at the IFL’s new resource that informs curriculum design ideas (because they include essential understandings), offers examples of representations and models of student use, emphasizes three types of questions for eliciting student thinking, and suggests indicators of learning.

Session Materials