Previous Events (2022 S2)

By the way, these are all available on our social media platforms. Do check them out if you want to learn more

To view all recordings, head over to our Youtube Channel as well

IEM-SSSS Dive into ICT with SAINS

IEM-SSSS Annual General Meeting 2022

IEM-SSSS Solar Cell Manufacturing & Career Talk

IEM-SSSS Mini Science Expo 2022

IEM-SSSS In-Class Recruitment Talk

IEM-SSSS Career Talk with IMM Technology

IEM-SSSS Beach Clean Up

IEM-SSSS Talk on How Do Engineers Charge Professional Fees?

IEM-SSSS Fun and Be Relax (Fund-Raising Event)

IEM-SSSS October General Meeting

IEM-SSSS Handcrafted Bear

IEM-SSSS CIDB Green Card Course

IEM-SSSS Top Glove Talk

IEM-SSSS Podcast 1.0