Previous Events (2021 S1)

By the way, these are all available on our social media platforms. Do check them out if you want to learn more

To view all recordings, head over to our Youtube Channel as well


IEM-SSSS Talk on "Digital Transformation with NEUON AI"

IEM-SSSS Secondary School Sharing on "Engineering in Different Fields"

IEM-SSSS Talk on "Data Science & COVID-19"

IEM-SSSS General Meeting Semester 1 2021

IEM-SSSS In-Class Recruitment

IEM-SSSS Talk on "How to Prepare Yourself for Industrial Revolution 4.0 as an Engineer"

IEM-SSSS Talk on Hydrogen Plant

IEM-SSSS and TAM-SSSS Solidworks Workshop

IEM-SSSS Internship Preparation and Sharing Session

Youtube Link

IEM-SSSS and TAM-SSSS Talk - Route to Professional Engineer (Ir) and Professional Technologist (Ts)

Industrial Recruitment Talk by Intel Technology
(In collaboration with SSIET On Campus)

AutoCAD Workshop

Blood Donation Drive in The Spring

Chillax Session 2.0

A Day in Kampung Chawan

IEM-SSSS handed over some simple food aid and building materials to Kampung Chawan that can help the villagers in gaining basic amenities. A big shout out to Ma Hung Food Stuff, SK Hardware and Yung Kong Co. Bhd and some contributed individuals also for taking out the time to sponsor in this event.

Tech Talk 2.0