
Dr Véronique PERDEREAU

Full professor, Sorbonne University

SYROCO Research group

Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR)

Paris, France.

E-mail: veronique.perdereau@upmc.fr

Phone: +33 1 44 27 62 11

Talk Title

Robotic dexterous manipulation in industrial contexts


To increase the level of automation in industry, robots can be used in various assembly tasks, i.e. for handling parts or tools, either autonomously or in collaboration with human operators. In such a demanding context, robot manipulators must understand not only the environment and properties of the objects, but also the intentions and actions of the human partner. For this to happen safely, the robotic system must integrate multimodal perception (vision, touch, sound, etc.) and its intelligence and dexterity must be ensured by dynamic task planning and efficient control through a comprehensive but complex control architecture. Véronique Perdereau will present industrial cases that are taken into account in European projects in which she is a partner (SOFTMANBOT and CORSMAL) and will describe the solutions that her team is developing to meet these challenges.

Keywords: Grasping, manipulation, multimodal planning and control


Prof. Véronique PERDEREAU is full professor at Sorbonne University in Paris since 2003 and an IEEE senior member. She is running research activities at ISIR lab (Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics) with a long history on dexterous robotic manipulation. She authored more than 100 scientific published paper on her research interests: hybrid force/position control of robot manipulators - multi-robot cooperation - control of redundant systems with collision avoidance - modeling, planning and multi-modal control of a robotic hand to perform dexterous manipulation. She has organized several international conference sessions and workshops, reviewed for many international publications and has been a member of several scientific program committees. She has also been invited to several international conferences. She was the coordinator of the HANDLE EU Project (2009-2013) dealing with « Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation » and Principal investigator for several other collaborative international projects. She served many times as expert for the evaluation of EU collaborative projects and proposals. She was awarded the price Etoiles de l’Europe in 2013 by the French Ministry of Education and Research.