

Full professor

Ecole nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz

Université de Loraine, France

E-mail: thibaut.raharijaona@univ-lorraine.fr

Talk Title

Visual perception and agility of robots: contributions and perspectives for smart manufacturing


The presentation addresses some contributions in the fields of control and robotics through a multidisciplinary fundamental research to understand and adapt nature's solutions. The research activities presented concern problems of autonomy, visual perception and agility of robots in unknown environments. The proposed solutions are illustrated on concrete cases for smart manufacturing.


Thibaut Raharijaona was born in Besançon, France. He received an engineering degree in Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science from the national school of higher education in physics of Strasbourg in 2001. In 2001, he joined the Department of Automatics, Supelec (Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité) in Paris, France and obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Orsay-Paris XI University in 2004. He was recruited as lecturer at Aix-Marseille University in 2005 in automatics and bio-inspired robotics. He was recruited in 2020 as full professor at University of Lorraine in robotics. His current research interests include visual perception, robotics and biomimetics.