Sample Portfolios

Creating a portfolio can be challenging when trying to capture the attention of professionals. How can your portfolio standout, how can you get noticed?

There are a few things that should be considered when designing an effective website. To start off you should determine the purpose of your portfolio. What do you want to make of your website? Being able to establish the type of website you want to have is key. It is important to know why you're creating it and how to do so professionally. Remember to keep it simple, make it accessible and visually appealing while maintaining a representation of yourself.

Job Search Tips IDT.docx

Here are some free online websites compatible with creating your very own portfolio.

Here are some examples of student portfolios. Consider sharing yours!

Brittan Spence (Instructional Design Professional Portfolio)

Screenshot of Lisa Shemon's portfolio home page with a link to the site

Lisa Shemon (Instructional Design Professional Portfolio)

Mercury Thomas-Ha' (Instructional Design Professional Portfolio)

Share your professional portfolios to the IDT Google+ Community (#Portfolio) by clicking the image below.

Please provide a link to your portfolio and the tool you used to create it.

If you have questions or specific feedback about this Resource Repository (#RRFeedback), please DM the UT IDT social media sites.

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Instructional Design Resource Repository by Lisa Shemon, Brittan Spence, & Mercury Thomas-Ha' is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
IDT Graduates