National Digital Literacy Programme

National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)

The National Digital Literacy Programme was launched in March 2020 and is intended to equip all Secondary Students with digital literacies across the 4 components: Find, Think, Apply, and Create. 

Through the NDLP, students will own personal learning devices (PLD) that will enable them to learn effectively through ICT-mediated activities. The device will be used to facilitate an environment that encourages personalized learning. Support will be given to ensure that no child is denied this opportunity. Singapore Citizen students can use their Edusave Account to pay for the PLD.

Intended Outcome

There are 3 intended outcomes of the 1:1 personalized learning environment. 

The use of personal learning devices for teaching and learning will

Springfield Digital Learning Vision

At Springfield Secondary School, students will be using PLD for active learning in all subjects, including the conduct, completion & submission of authentic learning/inquiry tasks that require research, digital creation, and collaborative learning.

The students will also be embarking on a series of self-paced New Media Literacies lessons on the Student Learning Space (SLS), with facilitated discussions on cyber wellness, key digital skills, and literacies by teachers.

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