Introduction to Social Media

week 9- Crap Detect untruthful news with GooGle & YOUTUBE

This week you will:

  • Crap detect untruthful news.
  • Get your UH @ Google YouTube channel.
  • Use UH YouTube to find and rate videos on media awareness.
  • Add a YouTube video to your blog post
  • Practice providing feedback on other learners blogs using the intellectual standards.

This week you will create 1 blog post. First, you will blog about crap detecting untruthful news. Second, you will find and rate 10 YouTube videos on media awareness and insert the link to your list in your crap detecting blog post. Third, you will choose one video from your media awareness list and insert the video into your crap detecting blog post.

This week you provide feedback to other learners week 8 posts, using the intellectual standards.

The goal is to work up to the higher higher levels of reasoning which are; logic, significance and fairness. Let's do it!

Finally, this week you will complete and submit your self-assessment of your week 8 learning.

Please remember, before you begin your activities, read and watch this week's topic summary content.

Whenever you learn, let go and have some fun, don't take yourself too seriously.

Read/watch the following content.

How YouTube Works

A channel on YouTube is the home page for an account. It shows the account name, the account type, the public videos they've uploaded, and any user information they've entered. You can customize the background and color scheme of achannel along with controlling some of the information that appears on it.

When you become a YouTube member, YouTube assigns a personal channel to you. The channel has divisions designed to display a short personal description, thumbnails of videos you've uploaded, members to whom you've subscribed, videos from other members you've picked as favorites, lists of members who are your friends and subscribers and a section where other people can comment on your channel.

You can visit another member's personal channel by clicking on his or her user name. Here, you can view all of the YouTuber's videos as well as all the videos he or she picked as favorites. You can even see the other members to whom the YouTuber has subscribed. Personal channels let you explore YouTube as a social network rather than as a simple video database -- you can find users who like the same kinds of videos you do and find out what they are watching.

When you first create an account, your personal channel is a digital wasteland -- all the sections are empty. Fortunately, YouTube makes it easy to turn your personal channel into an attractive virtual destination. After filling in your profile information, you can adjust your personal channel's color scheme. You can pick one of YouTube's suggested color schemes or create your own using hexadecimal color values.

Using a simple menu, you can change the layout of your personal channel. You can choose to display or hide sections, and you can choose whether they appear on the left or right side of the Web page. These options let you make your channel unique.

Once you've set up your channel, it's time to fill those empty fields. Explore the site and look for videos you really enjoy. You can watch videos and click on the favorite link to add the video into your personal channel's "favorites" section. You can subscribe to the person who uploaded the video to keep up with his or her uploads -- a screenshot of the member's latest video will appear in your personal channel's "subscriptions" section. When you upload a video of your own, it will appear in the top right section of your channel (unless you've changed the layout options). As you upload more videos, you'll fill the "videos" section in your personal channel, and the latest clip will feature in the upper right side of your profile.

YouTube is all about sharing.

Complete all the following tasks by Sunday 11:59pm

1. crap detect untruthful news- Blog Post- 20 points

  1. Use Google search and Google News to crap detect 3 different articles related to untruthful news, from different sources, that may ..... fake news, propaganda and misinformation.
    1. Use your crap detector, and what you learned last week, to select,
      1. One article on you consider to be very good-
      2. One article you consider to be only partially trustworthy-
      3. One article you consider to be probably untrustworthy-
  2. In a new blog post tell clearly, accurately and precisely describe the similarities and differences between your three articles. 10 points
  3. What conclusions are you coming to about untruthful news? 6 points
  4. In your blog post, include the web address or link to each of your 3 articles.
  5. The purpose of the assignment is… 2 points
  6. The key question at the heart of the assignment is…2 points
  7. To save your post without publishing it, click Save. To publish your post, click Publish.

2 points deducted if all tasks are not completed by the deadline.

2. Get your UH @ Google YouTube channel

    1. Sign in to UH Google.
    2. Go to your UH YouTube account.
    3. The videos you favorite in Youtube go to your account.
    4. Try any action that requires a channel, such as uploading a video, posting a comment, or creating a playlist.
    5. If you don't yet have a channel, you'll see a prompt to create a channel.
    6. Check the details (with your Google Account name and photo) and confirm to create your new channel.

When you become a UH @ Google YouTube member, YouTube assigns a personal channel to your email. The channel has divisions designed to display a short personal description, thumbnails of videos you've uploaded, members to whom you've subscribed, videos from other members you've picked as favorites, lists of members who are your friends and subscribers and a section where other people can comment on your channel.

You can visit another member's personal channel by clicking on his or her user name. Here, you can view all of the YouTuber's videos as well as all the videos he or she picked as favorites. You can even see the other members to whom the YouTuber has subscribed. Personal channels let you explore YouTube as a social network rather than as a simple video database -- you can find users who like the same kinds of videos you do and find out what they are watching.

3. Use UH YouTube to find and rate videos on media awareness-20 points

Log on to your UH YouTube Channel

    1. Search for 10 videos related to media awareness.
      1. Create a playlist on YouTube featuring the site videos you found.
      2. Start with a video that you want in the playlist.
      3. Under the video, click Add to .
      4. Click Create new playlist.
      5. Enter the name media awareness as the playlist name.
      6. Click Create.
      7. You can find your new playlist from the Library in the Guide on the left-hand side of the screen.
    2. Click on your playlist and click the share button.
    3. Copy the link to share your playlist.
    4. Open the crap detect untruthful news- blog post you just created
    5. Paste the link into the post and label the link.
    6. press Publish button.

2 points deducted if all tasks are not completed by the deadline.

4. Add a media awareness YouTube video to your crap detect untruthful news Blog Post 20 points

    1. Sign in to Blogger
    2. find and open your crap detect untruthful news- blog post
    3. Go to your YouTube channel media awareness playlist from the Library in the Guide on the left-hand side of the screen.
    4. Choose your favorite video from your media awareness playlist.
    5. Open the crap detect untruthful news- blog post you just created.
    6. Click on the “Insert a Video” icon.
      1. Since we want to add a video from YouTube, select “From YouTube” from the list of multiply options that you can use to insert videos into your blog posts.
      2. In the search box, paste the address to your favorite video or type a title of the video . Once searching is complete, click on the video thumbnail and press the “Select” button to add it in your blog post.
      3. Move the video to an appropriate location.
    7. Once you’re satisfied, press Publish button.
    8. Copy and paste the link to your crap detect untruthful news- Blog Post to this week's ICS119 FACEBOOK GROUP.

2 points deducted if all tasks are not completed by the deadline.

Your crap detect untruthful news blog post should now include a link to you 10 videos related to media awareness and your favorite video from your media awareness playlist.

5. Practice Providing Feedback on week 8 or 9 blog posts using the intellectual standards -10 Points

  1. Provide feedback to 2 different learners blog posts
  2. Go to last week' s Week 8 ICS119 FACEBOOK GROUP to find the blog posts.
  3. Provide feedback to two different learners blog posts.
    1. When a standard was not well met: I am questioning the _INSERT THE INTELLECTUAL STANDARD_ of your statement ____________ because _______.
    2. When a standard was well met: Your statement had _INSERT THE INTELLECTUAL STANDARD_ when you said....
  4. Give this your best shot. If you are the one receiving the feedback, please don't take it personally. This is about getting practice in providing feedback.

5 points for each comment

1 point deducted if all tasks are not completed by the deadline.

6. Get Your GRADE: Week nine Self-Assessment - Complete By Sunday 11:59Pm

Self-Assessment Procedures

  1. You MUST submit a weekly self- assessment to get a grade.

By Howard Rheingold on June 30, 2009 at 3:12 PM. “Every man should have a built-in automatic crap detector operating inside him.” Ernest Hemingway, 1954