
Dejanira Araiza Illan

Johnson and Johnson,

Talk title: Advanced Robotics for Lab Automation: Challenges and Opportunities

Abstract: Laboratory work is highly manual due to the complexity of the tasks, which also require dedicated skill training. Laboratory automation through advanced robotics enables scaling up the volumes of tests and experiments to be conducted, especially tackling the repetitive and the hazardous. Nonetheless, lab automation requires a higher degree of intelligence to deal with the highly complex tasks. In this talk, I will be reflecting upon the challenges and opportunities for adopting advanced robotics in lab automation, from an industrial perspective.

Bio: Dejanira Araiza Illan is an Assistant Principal Engineer in Robotic Applications at the Enterprise Supply Chain Advanced Technology Centre at Johnson & Johnson. Her professional interests include industrial advanced robotic applications, software engineering for robotics, and verification and validation of autonomous systems. Previously she worked as a scientist and software developer at the ROS-Industrial Consortium Asia Pacific and the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre at A*STAR, in Singapore. She also contributed to the UK funded projects RIVERAS and ROBOSAFE, on the verification of control systems and trustworthy robotic assistants, as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bristol. She holds a PhD in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering by the University of Sheffield, UK.

Andrew I. Cooper

Talk title: Materials Discovery Using Artificially Intelligent Mobile Robots

Talk abstract: Technologies such as batteries, biomaterials, and heterogeneous catalysts have functions that are defined by mixtures of molecular and mesoscale components. As yet, this multi-length scale complexity cannot be fully captured by atomistic simulations, and the design of such materials from first principles is still rare. Likewise, experimental complexity scales exponentially with the number of variables, restricting most searches to narrow areas of materials space. Robots can assist in experimental searches but their widespread adoption in materials research is challenging because of the diversity of operations, instruments and measurements that is required. Here we use a mobile robot to search for improved photocatalysts for hydrogen production from water (Nature, 2020, 583, 237). The robot operated autonomously over 8 days, performing 688 experiments within a 10-variable experimental space that has more than 46 million points, driven by a batched Bayesian search algorithm. This autonomous search identified photocatalyst mixtures that were six times more active than the initial formulations, selecting beneficial components and deselecting negative ones. Our strategy uses a dexterous free-roaming robot, automating the researcher rather than the laboratory instruments, which are largely unmodified. This modular approach may have applications across a broad range of research problems. The mobility and non-linearity of the robot scientist offers the potential to unlock the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning – for example, to make complex, conditional decisions about what measurements and experiments to do next. 

Bio: Andy is a Nottingham graduate (1991), also obtaining his Ph.D there in 1994. After his Ph.D, he held a 1851 Fellowship and a Royal Society NATO Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, and then a Ramsay Memorial Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge. In 1999, he was appointed as a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in Liverpool. In 2017, he co-founded a spin-out company, Porous Liquid Technologies, with collaborators at Queens University Belfast, based on an entirely new class of material, porous liquids (Nature, 2015, 527, 216). Andy led the bid to establish the Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) and he is its first Academic Director. He is also the Director of the £10 M Leverhulme Centre for Functional Materials Design. Andy was elected to the Royal Society in 2015.  He has been awarded the Macro Group Young Researchers Award (2002), the RSC Award in Environmentally Friendly Polymers (2005), the McBain Medal (2007), the Corday-Morgan Prize (2009), the Macro Group Award (2010), a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, the Tilden Prize (2014), the American Chemical Society Doolittle Award (2014), the Hughes Medal (2019) and the RSC Interdisciplinary Prize for combining autonomous robotics (2021).  He was also the 2015 MIT-Georgia Pacific Lecturer in Organic Chemistry. In both 2011 and 2014, Andy was named in a Thomson Reuters list as one of the Top 100 materials scientists of the last decade. He was awarded an ERC Advanced Investigators grant in 2012 (RobOT).  He was also awarded an ERC Synergy Grant in 2019 (ADAM).  In 2015, he was appointed as a Consultant Professor in Hauzhong University of Science & Technology, China. He was also appointed as an Honorary Professor at East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, in 2017 and was appointed as Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Science in 2019. He has awarded the Interdisciplinary Prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry and Super Artificial Intelligence Leader (SAIL) Award at the 2021 World AI Conference, Shanghai.  He was also awarded the Cheetham Lecture Award by University of Santa Barbara and Royal Society University Professor in 2023. His main research interests are organic materials, supramolecular chemistry, and materials for energy production and molecular separation. This is underpinned by a strong technical interest in high-throughput methods and robotics.  A unifying theme in his research is the close fusion of computational prediction and experiment to discover new materials with step-change properties (Nature, 2011, 474, 367; Nature, 2017, 543, 657).

University of Liverpool, UK 

Patrick Courtney

SiLA and
tec-connection, Swizerland

Talk title: The role of interoperability standards in supporting the acceleration of Discovery in the Natural Sciences

Abstract: The proposal to connect laboratory automation and AI in the laboratory opens up huge opportunities to accelerate the scientific discovery process. However, there are many barriers to fully integrating these technologies, such as the diversity of needs, processes and tools. Managing such diversity through modularity and standardization has been a successful approach but the role of standards and ontologies is often poorly understood and explained. We will explain how interoperability standards such as SiLA (Standardization in Lab Automation) and AnIML (Analytical Information Markup Language) can help to lower these barriers. SiLA ensures seamless instrument control and workflow orchestration, while AnIML structures data for consistent analysis and exchange. We will present the impact of standards in closed loop systems to accelerate research will be presented, touching on progress in subfields such as automated hit finding, organ on chip, and material sciences.

Bio: Dr Patrick Courtney has 20 years’ industrial experience in the development of technology, notably in the areas of sensing and robotics with a special focus on technology transfer. He has worked as director for global firm PerkinElmer, as well as at Sartorius and Cap Gemini, with spinouts, SMEs and clients in the life science and healthcare sectors. He has a long involvement in EU and national programs, leads a European working group on analytical laboratory robotics, and is a member of the board of directors of SiLA (Standards in Laboratory Automation). He holds an MBA with a PhD in Robotic Engineering/Molecular Biology and has 100 publications and ten patents. Dr. Courtney can be contacted at: patrick.courtney@tec-connection.com.

Animesh Garg

Talk title: Generalizable Robotics in Lab Automation guided by Foundation Models  

Talk abstract: The advent of language and image based foundation models promise to solve long standing challenges in robotics such as general purpose perception and reasoning. This new capability has accelerated autonomy of robotics, and as a result these systems are increasingly viable for flexible automation in science labs. We will present a framework for robot planning with visual feedback in the loop to solve open world reasoning. Further we will present an integrated system, ORGANA for interactive chemistry lab automation.  

Bio: Animesh Garg is a Stephen Fleming Early Career Assistant Professor at School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. He leads the People, AI, and Robotics (PAIR) research group. He is on the core faculty in the Robotics and Machine Learning programs. Animesh is also a Senior Researcher at Nvidia Research. Animesh earned a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and was a postdoc at the Stanford AI Lab. He is on leave from the department of Computer Science at University of Toronto and CIFAR Chair position at the Vector Institute. Garg earned his M.S. in Computer Science and Ph.D. in Operations Research from UC, Berkeley. 

University of Toronto,

Sami Haddadin

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Copyright: © Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Talk title: AI-Based Knowledge Discovery: The Quest for Science Automation

Abstract: In chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, biophysics and biology, the generation of experimental knowledge still requires mostly time-consuming manual experiments in the laboratory (e.g. molecule synthesis, drug discovery, microscopic cell analysis or individualized mRNA-based drugs in cancer therapy). Once the results are available, modern laboratory automation enables cost-effective, high-throughput production of exactly the same products (e.g. corona rapid test). The same applies to nano- and microrobotics, where, however, not only the search for suitable structures, but also the synthesis of individual components or their composition into functional miniature machines based on them, requires a great deal of manual effort and has not yet followed a constructivist approach. Thus, when nano- and microrobotic systems are designed for laboratory analysis, the manual design and execution of experiments hinders their rapid and efficient generation, optimization and individualization. This talk addresses the central scientific question of how cross-scale analysis and synthesis processes can be massively accelerated by intelligent robotic laboratory assistants that independently plan, modify and evaluate experiments. The goal is to ensure that these robotic systems develop maximum efficiency in conjunction with each other and in cooperation with humans. This approach will lead to a revolution in experimental knowledge generation and system synthesis in general.

Bio: Sami Haddadin is the founding and Executive Director of TUM’s Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, holds the Chair of Robotics and Systems Intelligence and is an IEEE Fellow. His research interests include human-centered robotics, embodied AI, collective intelligence and human-robot symbiosis. He is best known for his contributions to tactile mechatronics, contact-aware robots, safety methods in human-robot interaction, and autonomous manipulation learning.
Before joining TUM, he was Chair of the Institute of Automatic Control at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover from 2014 to 2018 and received faculty offers from MIT and Stanford. Prior to that, he held various positions as a researcher at the German Aerospace Center DLR. He holds degrees in electrical engineering, computer science and technology management from the Technical University of Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. He received his PhD with summa cum laude from RWTH Aachen University. He has published more than 200 scientific articles in international journals and conferences, many of them award-winning. He has received numerous awards for his scientific work, including the George Giralt PhD Award (2012), the RSS Early Career Spotlight (2015), the IEEE/RAS Early Career Award (2015), the Alfried Krupp Award for Young Professors (2015), the German President’s Award for Innovation in Science and Technology (2017) and the Leibniz Prize (2019).
Sami Haddadin is the founder of the revolutionizing industrial robotics company Franka Emika GmbH (Munich, 2016), producing not only the world’s first commercial tactile robot but also the worldwide most used robotics research platform. During his time at DLR, he played a major role in the development of the lightweight robot technology, which became the KUKA LBR iiwa. 26 years after mp3 his patent on “Tactile Robots” was listed as the most recent addition to the “Milestone made in Germany” (DPMA). He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the national academy of science and engineering acatech. He was a member of the High-Level Expert Group on AI of the European Commission and is the chairman of the Bavarian AI Council.

Kanako Harada

Talk title: Advancing Scientific Discovery: AI-Driven Robotics for Precise and Accurate Manipulation in Life Science Experiments

Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and lab automation is revolutionizing the collection of large, high-quality data sets, significantly enhancing the automation of scientific discovery processes. Our project is at the forefront of this revolution, harnessing advanced AI and robotics technologies to conduct experiments that are beyond the capabilities of human scientists and traditional robotics systems. Specifically, our focus is on the precise manipulation of model organisms in life science experiments, aiming to facilitate groundbreaking scientific discoveries with minimal experimental runs. This approach not only expands the boundaries of scientific inquiry but also optimizes resource efficiency in experimental research. 

Bio: Kanako Harada is an Associate Professor at the Center for Disease Control Biology and Integrative Medicine (CDBIM) within the Graduate School of Medicine at The University of Tokyo, Japan. She also holds positions in the Department of Bioengineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering within the Graduate School of Engineering. Additionally, she serves as a Project Manager for the national flagship MOONSHOT project, spearheaded by the Cabinet Office. She earned her M.Sc. in Engineering from The University of Tokyo in 2001 and received her Ph.D. in Engineering from Waseda University in 2007. Prior to joining The University of Tokyo, she held positions at Hitachi Ltd., the Japan Association for the Advancement of Medical Equipment, and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Italy. She also served as a Program Manager for the Cabinet Office's ImPACT program from 2016 to 2019. Her research interests encompass a range of areas including surgical robotic systems, automation of robots for medical applications, skills assessment, patient models, virtual-reality simulators, and regulatory science.

University of Tokyo, Japan

Jason Hein

University of British Columbia,  Canada

Talk title: Autonomous Synthetic Chemistry using Dynamic Adaptation and Experimentation 

Abstract: Automation and real-time reaction monitoring have revolutionized synthetic chemistry by enabling data-rich experimentation, leading to a comprehensive understanding of chemical processes. This talk emphasizes the significance of data-rich experimentation (DRE) in reaction process optimization and discovery and explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools in enhancing automated real-time reaction monitoring.
DRE focuses on extracting real-time reaction progress data to gain insights into reaction kinetics, intermediates, rate constants, and by-product reaction pathways. Automation plays a crucial role in enabling DRE by accurately capturing and analyzing reaction aliquots, processing complex analytical data, and executing precise reaction manipulations. This approach enhances decision-making capabilities, reduces optimization time and resource requirements, and facilitates the exploration of reaction mechanisms and dynamics.
This presentation highlights the current paradigm of data-driven reaction investigation, which often relies on human interpretation. However, the integration of real-time monitoring data with AI and ML tools presents an opportunity to accelerate process optimization and reaction discovery. Real-time monitoring telemetry allows automated systems to receive critical feedback and adapt to variable circumstances, enabling error-free autonomous synthesis. ML-based predictive models and autonomous optimization platforms reduce the number of experiments needed and consider a broader range of reaction parameters beyond simple yield measurements.
Real-time reaction monitoring provides comprehensive kinetic data that addresses issues of data integrity, bias, and oversimplification. It captures variations in reaction performance, identifies intermediates and by-products, and facilitates the classification of underlying reaction mechanisms. By combining automated data-gathering methods with AI and ML tools, synthetic chemistry can predict optimal conditions and discover new synthetic routes more efficiently.

Bio: Jason Hein is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of British Columbia and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Bergen, Norway. His career began with a B.Sc. in Biochemistry (2000) and a Ph.D. in asymmetric reaction methodology (2005) from the University of Manitoba. Prof. Hein's postdoctoral work at the Scripps Research Institute focused on in-situ kinetic reaction analysis, leading to his role as a senior research associate and subsequent independent career at the University of California, Merced in 2011. In 2015, he joined the University of British Columbia, where he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2019. He has been instrumental in the development of autonomous discovery platforms, notably as co-lead of Project ADA for thin film materials, and is the CEO of Telescope Innovations, specializing in AI-enabled automation for chemical process development. Prof. Hein's research, resulting in over 100 publications and an H-index of 34, has garnered him several awards, including the ACS Young Investigators Prize (2015) and an NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (2021). A prolific speaker, he has delivered over 150 invited talks, including keynotes at major international symposiums.

Maria Hübner

Talk title: Use case for robots in laboratories for biotechnological production: current limitations and future possibilities

Talk abstract: Industrial production of biotechnological components often contains a significant amount of manual work in laboratories, for example, during quality control or packaging processes. Such work can be highly repetitive and time consuming, therefore automatization seems desirable.Currently, an automated solution can be established by specialized companies or in-house engineering departments that have the required skills. In  cooperation with these automation specialists (e.g. integrator partners of established robot manufacturers), robotics-based solutions can be implemented for the tasks of interest. Usually, the resulting application is separated from the rest of the work environment since most robots need additional space and equipment for safe and reliable operation. Additionally, the application may be difficult to adapt to new requirements since the necessary expert knowledge is missing from the production company. Hence, there is a dependency on third-party service providers that makes any change in the application expensive and slow.\\In order to introduce more flexibility into automated processes in biotechnological laboratories, novel approaches are required that consider co-working spaces for human technicians and robots. At the same time, they need to bridge the gap between the process expert and the robot system, i.e. provide intuitive-to-use setup and configuration procedures. Production on demand and seamless support of skilled technicians will be the next level of production in highly regulated work environments. Next-generation automation will serve as a tool to elevate production for biotechnological components to a new level.

Bio: Maria has an academic background in chemistry and bioanalytics. After she received her doctorate from TU München, she worked as a project manager in technology consulting (Zielpuls GmbH, now Accenture Industry X.0). In 2018, she joined Roche Diagnostics. She leads a team in the department for Design Transfer and Process Excellence.

Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Germany

LiWei Qi

ABB, Sweden

Talk title: Challenges and Solutions to Lab Automation: an ABB’s View of Practice

Talk abstract: Devices and instruments in typical healthcare and chemical labs already have high automation level. But lab scientists/technicians are still necessary to form a complete operation cycle. Replacing human by robots in lab environment, robots need to deal with material transferring, sample handing, interacting with lab testing equipments, lab task scheduling, and more challenges. In order to meet such challenges, ABB Research closely collaborating with ABB Robotics, developed a few technologies, such as mobile manipulation, object perception and grasping, teach by demonstration, etc. This presentation will share an ABB’s view of challenges to lab automation and introduce a few key technologies from ABB in responding such challenges.

Bio: Liwei Qi is the manager for the robotics and mechatronics research team in ABB Research in Västerås, Sweden since March, 2019. This research team has 20+ top research scientists come from 8 different countries, mainly focusing on robot fundamental research, new robot concepts, and autonomous robotics. Liwei Qi got a doctoral degree of Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai JiaoTong University from China in 2002. From 2003 he joined ABB, worked in ABB’s Robotics R&D for 20 years with different technical and managerial roles. Liwei’s major technical interests are robot design, robot programming and robot applications. Most recently, One major focus of Liwei and his team in Västerås is autonomous robot solution for emerging application areas such as lab automation, that engages mobile manipulation, AI and vision, easy robot programming, etc. Liwei Qi published 10+ journal and conference papers, applied 8 patents when working in ABB Robotics

Ruja Shrestha

Talk title: Revolutionizing Lab Automation: AI, Robotics, and Safety in Scientific Laboratories

Abstract: Unchained Labs configurable robotics and software platforms enable today’s labs to automate closed loop chemistry workflows.  Our established robotic platforms, Big Kahuna and Junior, combine to cover a range of chemistry workflows from focused solutions to integrated, end-to-end laboratory workflows.  We do this by offering both standard modules, like our Optimization Sampling Reactor (OSR), and customized automation capabilities including integration of other laboratory equipment such as mass spectrometers and HPLCs.   LEA, short for Laboratory Execution and Analysis software, runs all our robotic platforms giving researchers direct and, through a suite of APIs, indirect control of every step of the process.  Our configurable automation technology has evolved over the years to meet the current chemistry research challenges of screening multiple factors in high throughput with precise control and rich data collection for each step.  Big Kahuna and Junior have standard and extended safety measures, including the capability to be installed in full enclosures, to ensure none of this extended capability comes with added risk for users.  With a strong global user base of scientists and automation engineers, we continue to innovate to meet emerging trends, like applying AI/ML to speed up finding optimal conditions and candidates.

Bio: Dr. Ruja Shrestha is a Field Automation Scientist at Unchained Labs. Prior to joining Unchained Labs in 2021, Ruja worked at a bio-based chemical company, Rennovia, where she was a user of Symyx and Freeslate technologies. Ruja graduated with Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Rochester, New York in 2012, where she worked on nickel-catalyzed reductive cross-coupling of electrophiles in Professor Dan Weix's lab. She continued with postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley under Professor John Hartwig where she worked on catalytic functionalization of carbon-hydrogen bonds. While at Berkeley, Ruja started-up Instrumentation Facility for Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Catalysis Group in the Division of Chemical Sciences and worked closely with chemists of the catalysis program to perform experiments with high-throughput instrumentation. Ruja loves talking to scientists and sharing the impact of high-throughput, automated workflows. She is a strong advocate for empowering chemistry research with automation for the lab of the future.

Unchained Labs,

Kerstin Thurow

University of Rostock, Germany

Talk title: Mobile Robots in Life Science Laboratories – Strategies and Concepts

Talk abstract: Advancing technology has revolutionized our ability to perform complex scientific investigations. One of the most exciting advances in this area is the integration of mobile robots into the laboratory environment. These autonomous robots are no longer just science fiction figures, but are increasingly becoming indispensable tools for researchers in a variety of disciplines. Mobile robots in the laboratory are autonomous or remotely controlled robots designed to work in scientific laboratory environments. They are able to move freely, perform tasks, and collect data without requiring human intervention. These robots are capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including sampling, performing experiments, collecting data, and even interacting with other laboratory equipment. The integration of mobile robots into the laboratory environment offers numerous advantages and is essential to achieving the fully automated laboratory. Depending on the field of application, applications, spatial and other resources, different concepts and strategies are conceivable both for the type of mobile robots used and for their integration into complex laboratory processes. In the context of the lecture, these will be presented and explained in an exemplary application.

Bio: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kerstin Thurow studied chemistry and received her PhD in organometallic chemistry from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 1995. In 1999 she habilitated in measurement and control engineering. In the same year, she was appointed to the worldwide first professorship for "Laboratory Automation" at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rostock. Since 2004 she has held the chair of "Automation Technology / Life Science Automation" at the University of Rostock and is the Director of the Center for Life Science Automation (University of Rostock). Prof. Thurow has authored more than 300 scientific publications including 3 monographies. She is a founding member of the Academy of Sciences Hamburg and member of the technical academy Germany (acatech). Her research topics include the automation of life science processes, robotics, mobile robotics as well as system integration and systems engineering.

Rafael Vescovi

Talk title: Autonomous Discovery: From Single Instruments Integration to Large Facilities

Talk abstract: In this presentation, we delve into the endeavors at Argonne National Laboratory in autonomous scientific discovery. Emphasizing the evolution from individual instrument calibration to the seamless interplay of expansive facilities like clusters and synchrotrons. We will discuss the challenges into transitioning existing and new experiments into the "automation" world and the potential of high-performance computing to catalyze this transition. We will spotlight our strides in self driving laboratories by introducing the Rapid Prototyping Laboratory (RPL) as an exemplary hub, geared towards nurturing a new generation in the realm of self-driving laboratories, test potential new infrastructure and train students.

Bio: Dr. Rafael Vescovi is a scientist at Argonne’s Data Science and Learning Division. Vescovi's current projects include the automation of scientific workflows and laboratories, from the software perspective all the way to the infrastructure necessary for new facilities. In a diverse carreer, Vescovi’s research contributions span x-ray sciences, tomography, high-performance computing, robotics, distributed systems, data-driven discovery, neuroscience, neurobiology, automation and machine learning for autonomous discovery. Vescovi received a BSc, MSc and PhD of Physics from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil.  

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Birgit Vogel-Heuser

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Talk title: How can AI and automation in lab plants contribute to an increased reproducibility and product quality?

Abstract: To explore new products and, process recipes lab plants are operated in unknown settings in academia and industry.  Additionally new technologies are explored using lab plants with low degree of automation and instrumentation. The talk will address both cases and showcase how data analytics and machine learning can even with very small data sets provide beneficial insights. The use cases with real lab machinery from metal forming and biochemical separation techniques benefit from enhanced automation and ML and report most critical challenges, methods used and results gained. 

Bio: The research interests of Birgit Vogel-Heuser are in the area of systems and software engineering as well as in the modeling of distributed and intelligent embedded automation systems for machines and plants. She is graduated in electrical engineering and did her PhD in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen, Germany. After ten years in industry and different professorship positions, she was appointed to the Chair of Automation and Information Systems at the Technical University Munich in 2009. She is a fellow of the IEEE, IEEE RAS Distinguished Lecturer and IEEE RAS Automation Coordinator.

Ádám Wolf 

Talk title: Towards Robotic Laboratory Automation Plug & Play: The LAPP Reference Architecture Model

Talk abstract: Robotized laboratory automation systems are becoming more and more complex, which hinders compatibility and easy implementation. The Laboratory Automation Plug & Play framework serves as a reference architecture model, including a hierarchical decomposition of lab workflows, outlining the corresponding layers and elements of the control architecture, and introducing a taxonomy for lab robot activities. By advancing the standardization and democratization of these technologies a more streamlined integration can be achieved. The activities of the SiLA Robotics Working Group and a selection of Takeda’s relevant projects will also be presented.

Bio: Ádám has an academic background in Mechatronics and Robotics. After gaining experience in industrial R&D (specialty equipment prototyping) and in academic R&D (agromechatronics), he joined Takeda in 2019. His focus is on laboratory automation robotics and corresponding integration frameworks. He leads global proof-of-concept projects within Takeda R&D, while working on his industrial PhD and leading the SiLA Consortium’s Robotics Working Group.

Takeda and SiLA, Austria

Yan Zeng

Florida State University, USA

Talk title: Autonomous Laboratory for Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Discovery

Talk abstract: Autonomous laboratories are paving the future for chemical and materials research. By integrating computational design, automated instrumentation, robotics, and AI/ML, autonomous laboratories drive more rapid execution of experimentation, data interpretation, and decision making, which will eventually accelerate chemical and materials discovery. This presentation will give an overview of the challenges, progress, and perspectives we have learnt from establishing an autonomous lab for inorganic powder materials. I will talk about 1) instrument integration for solid-state synthesis and characterization, 2) making tools and devices to tackle the challenges in powder handling, 3) using machine learning for the acquisition and interpretation of data from XRD and SEM/EDS, and 4) developing decision making algorithms to tackle synthesis problems.

Bio: Yan Zeng, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Florida State University. Yan was a Staff Scientist, and earlier a postdoctoral researcher, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory between 2020 and 2023, where she built an autonomous inorganic solid-state synthesis laboratory (the A-Lab) with a team at LBNL and UC Berkeley. She is also interested in finding new materials and exploring synthesis methods to make them. Yan obtained her Ph.D. degree (2020) in Materials Engineering from McGill University, developing Li-ion battery cathode materials using hydrothermal synthesis. Her current research interests lie at the intersection of lab automation, energy storage materials, synthesis, and battery recycling.