Call for Contributions

Call for Contributions


We encourage researchers to submit short papers (4-6 pages + citations) in PDF, using the IEEE conference template.  Accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website and will not appear in the official IEEE proceedings. 

Please submit your short papers via EasyChair:

Review process:
All submitted contributions will be peer-reviewed in a single-blind process


A number of submissions will be selected for poster presentations according to the pertinence of the workshop and the quality of the research.  All selected posters will be presented in both the spotlight and the interactive poster sessions. At the end of the workshop, our jury will award outstanding paper awards among the presented posters endowed with prize money funded by the Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Design and the Acceleration consortium.

Four submissions will be selected for Pioneers of Natural Sciences Laboratory Robotics Talks where four stellar senior doctoral students and early career researchers* will present their bodies of work. The four submissions will be split equally between candidates with a natural sciences background who have used robotics, automation, and AI in their research and candidates with a robotics/computer science/engineering background who have applied robotics, automation, and AI to laboratories. Financial support will be provided for the pioneers, fully funded by the Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Design and the Acceleration consortium. To be eligible for this, please submit additionally to the paper a one-page cover letter describing the applicant’s motivation for applying and outlining relevant research work and an academic CV.

All selected contributions will be published on the workshop website prior to the workshop.

Important Dates

Extended deadlines

Paper submission deadline: April 1st, 23:59 AoE time April 15th, 23:59 AoE time

Notification of acceptance: April 12th, 23:59 AoE time April 30th, 23:59 AoE time

Final submission: April 30th, 23:59 AoE time May 5th, 23:59 AoE time

Workshop day: May 17th

Topics of Interest

This workshop covers, but is not limited to, the following topics of interest:

*The notion of a “senior” PhD student varies across geographic locations and programs, and the expectation is that the applicant has a well-defined research outline and has potentially published research at relevant venues. Industry research scientists within two years of their graduation are also eligible to apply. Senior postdocs with more than two years of experience are welcome to submit their applications, but priority will be given to early career postdocs.