Accepted Works
Contributions at a Glance
(Poster 1) Design and Grasp Planning for a Reconfigurable Variable Stiffness Underwater Robotic Hand

Karina Y. Puente, Steph J. Walker, Joseph R. Davidson, and Geoffrey A. Hollinger
Underwater grasping of irregularly shaped, delicate objects found in aquatic environments is a challenging problem. Objects such as sea cucumbers, sea anemones, and other marine life require a delicate touch to prevent damage due to sampling forces. Though current robotic hands have the capability to grasp certain objects, such grasps have limited key features that prevent them from handling diverse shapes in environments with complex hydrodynamics. To address this problem, we have designed a variable stiffness hand and will determine its configuration for optimal grasping. This will allow the hand to use different grasp types depending on the weight and fragility of the object it encounters. This reconfigurable variable stiffness hand will be able to grasp regular and irregularly shaped objects by adjusting to a desired stiffness value.
(Poster 2) Overlooked Variables in Compliant Grasping and Manipulation

Zixi Liu and Robert D. Howe
Reliable grasping and manipulation for deformable objects require accurate contact modeling and grasp stability estimation. One key component in contact modeling and stability estimation is the coefficient of friction, which is typically estimated as a standard single value from the literature, even though its actual values are variable and depend on many factors, such as compliance and contact velocity, especially for deformable objects. These factors are often overlooked in the applications of analytical grasp models as well as machine learning methods. Here we compare the coefficient of friction of objects with different compliance but identical materials (thicker/multi-layered vs. thinner/single-layered) at varying contact velocity, using a highly instrumented robot hand and vision-based tracking on both the robot hand and the object. The results show that compliance, as well as contact velocity, affect the coefficient of friction and stability estimation using grasp analysis. These findings suggest that reliable grasping and manipulation, whether from analytical grasp models or machine learning methods, require the ability to sense friction. This also implies that machine learning methods will require inputs from friction sensing. Without friction sensing capabilities, robotic grasping and manipulation are constrained to a much narrower range of objects.
(Poster 3) Control of a Segmented Tunable-Stiffness 3-D Continuum Manipulator

Shivangi Misra and Cynthia Sung
We propose the kinematic model of a theoretical, segmented, and, compliant 3-D manipulator with uniformly distributed local tunable stiffness elements. Altering these local stiffnesses affects the manipulator pose. We propose a stiffness controller for a single segment that provides provable guarantees on convergence to a desired goal position. We use this controller in a centralized planner for a manipulator with multiple segments.
(Poster 4) Robustifying force-controlled insertion skills by increasing attraction regions in single DOF contract transitions

Federico Ulloa, Wilm Decré, Erwin Aertbeliën, and Herman Bruyninckx
This paper presents a methodology for robust insertion skill definitions, that allows developers to exploit their insights in (i) the (active and passive) compliance properties of both robot and environment, and (ii) the source and magnitude of geometrical uncertainties. The core ideas behind the methodology are (i) it is always easier to deal with geometrical uncertainties one degree of freedom at a time than several together, and (ii) the passive compliance in the assembly parts can be used as a feature instead of as a bug, most notably in the case of engineered compliances such as snap fits.
(Poster 5) Automatically-Tuned Model Predictive Control for an Underwater Soft Robotic Arm

David Null, Teodor Tchalakov, William Edwards, Kris Hauser, and Y Z
Soft robot arms are especially appealing candidates for underwater manipulation thanks to their actuation mechanisms. However, modeling and controlling soft arms to achieve precision tasks has remained a significant challenge. Learned MPC has been applied to soft robot control in prior work, but we address the problem that MPC is highly sensitive to the hyperparameters of the learned model and optimizer, and tuning them manually is a tedious process. In this work, we adopt the AutoMPC approach to automatically tune the MPC controller from an offline dataset, and extend it to handle multi-task tuning. On a 2D, hydraulically actuated underwater soft robot, we compare this method to a learned inverse kinematics model that predicts the actuation pressures needed to achieve a static configuration. Although both controllers were trained on the same dataset, AutoMPC achieved 75% improvement in targeting accuracy.
(Poster 6) Novel Design of Series Elastic Actuator for High Precision Measurement and High Capacity Output of Torque

Junyoung Kim, Wonbum Yun, and Sehoon Oh
For the environment-interactive compliant robots, the series elastic actuator (SEA) is concerned as a promising actuation method. With the serially connected spring, SEA can measure interaction torque as a sensor and absorb shocks introduced from the interactions to protect the transmission of the actuator. To develop SEA, designing a sufficiently soft spring may be required to achieve precise torque measurement. However, since soft springs generally cannot hold higher torque, it is difficult to use softer springs for SEA, and designing the spring to meet the requirements of the actuator often needs a complex process. In this study, we proposed the design of a novel spring structure which can provide high torque capacity with a wide range of stiffness algebraic analyses. Also, we proposed the structure and mechanical design of SEA to consider the characteristics of the proposed spring. The specification and quality of the proposed spring and actuator are evaluated through a series of experiments.
(Poster 7) Intuitive Grasp Simulation using SynGrasp MATLAB Toolbox, Simulink, and Simscape Multibody

Maria Pozzi, Gabriele Maria Achilli, Cristina Valigi, and Monica Malvezzi
The dynamic simulation of robotic grasps performed with complex end-effectors like multifingered, possibly underactuated and compliant, hands is still a challenge in the robotics field. Simulation can support grasp analysis and synthesis, which are fundamental steps to create effective robotic manipulation systems. Here, we present a framework for modeling and simulating multifingered hands in the Simulink environment, by connecting SynGrasp, a well established MATLAB toolbox for grasp analysis, and Simscape Multibody, a Simulink Library for the simulation of physical systems. The toolbox of functions developed in this work makes the simulation of the grasp dynamics rather intuitive for the user, as Simulink block diagrams can be automatically generated starting from hand and object models defined in SynGrasp.
(Poster 8) Implicitly Teaching Task-level Compliance through Probabilistic Adaptive Control

Julius Jankowski and Sylvain Calinon
Setting the right robot compliance for a given task can be difficult. Typically, a robot should have high physical compliance such that it does not generate high forces when in unforeseen contact with its environment. Moreover, it lets it react smoothly to unforeseen changes in the motion plan. In contrast, e.g., tight tolerance tasks demand for high precision in the robot execution, which - due to model imperfections - requires high positional feedback gains, i.e. high physical stiffness. Probabilistic Adaptive Control addresses this trade-off via time-varying feedback gains. They are inferred in an online-manner by fusing information about a) asymptotically stable tracking of deterministic trajectories, b) closed-loop tracking uncertainty, e.g. due to modeling errors, and c) task-specific desired precision instructed through kinematic demonstrations.
(Poster 9) Remote Contact Force Sensor with Embedded Bend Sensing for Tendon-Driven Soft Robotics

Sang-Hun Kim and Kyu-Jin Cho
Integrating multiple sensors without increasing the structural complexity and their original form factor is a major concern in robotic applications, particularly in tendon-driven systems. This study proposes a contact force sensor with bend sensing by improving the Bowden cable angle sensor design; the proposed sensor performs geometric sensing with a compact form factor. The proposed sensor utilizes an end tip with an elastomer membrane, a Bowden cable consisting of a sheath and dual inner wires, and a remotely separated sensing component; all the electrical wirings are decoupled from the mechanical Bowden cable system. The displacement difference of the force-sensing wire and bend-sensing wire is transmitted through the sheath, and indicates the contact force on the end tip. Modeling and experiments verify that the contact force applied on the end tip is linearly related to the sensor output signal, and is reliable under repeatable measurements. Because the proposed sensor utilizes the Bowden cable as the sensor modality, it can be embedded in various tendon-driven robotic applications, including soft robotic hands with tactile and position sensing and soft wearable robots that are durable in aqueous conditions.
(Poster 10) Learning 3D Shape Proprioception for Continuum Soft Robots with Multiple Magnetoresistive Sensors

Thomas Baaij*, Marn Klein Holkenborg*, Maximilian Stölzle*, Daan van der Tuin*, Jonatan Naaktgeboren, Robert Babuska, and Cosimo Della Santina
While soft fingers are an interesting approach for compliant manipulation, sensing their shape without obstructing their movements and modifying their natural softness requires innovative solutions. This abstract proposes to use magnetic sensors fully integrated into soft continuum structures to achieve proprioception. Magnetic sensors are compact, sensitive, and easy to integrate into a soft robot. We then propose a neural architecture to make sense of the highly nonlinear relationship between the perceived intensity of the magnetic field and the shape of the robot. By injecting a priori knowledge from the kinematic model, we obtain a precise learning strategy yet not data intensive. We verify our approach in experiments involving one soft segment containing a cylindrical magnet and three magnetoresistive sensors. We achieve mean relative errors of 17.4%, and as low as 7% by training on more diverse datasets.
(Poster 11) SEED: Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D for Compliant Visuotactile Tool Use

H.J. Terry Suh, Naveen Kuppuswamy, Tao Pang, Paul Mitiguy, Alex Alspach, Russ Tedrake
Abstract—We propose the framework of Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D (SEED), which combines a spatially compliant element with visuotactile sensing to grasp and manipulate tools in the wild. Our framework generalizes the benefits of series elasticity to 6-dof, while providing an abstraction of control using visuotactile sensing. We propose an algorithm for relative pose estimation from visuotactile sensing, and a spatial hybrid force-position controller capable of achieving stable force interaction with the environment. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on tools that require regulation of spatial forces.
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(Poster 12) High-Speed Scooping Manipulation Using Controlled Compliance

Ka Hei Mak and Jungwon Seo
The presented study addresses how to perform the manipulation of scooping over a wide range of objects at high speed, termed as high-speed scooping. This is a departure from existing solutions to robotic scooping through underactuation, with a limited ability to actively adapt to various situations, or motion control, with dependence on accurate geometric information. Critical to high-speed scooping are the capabilities for rapidly responding to contact interactions between the object, robot, and environment under errors and uncertainties regarding the geometric and physical properties of the bodies that physically interact.
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