Call for Contributions

Important Dates

Thank you everyone for your participation in the workshop!

Submission Deadline: April 22, 2022 AOE

Notification of Acceptance: April 29, 2022

Camera-Ready Submission (posters and abstracts): May 13, 2022

Workshop: May 23, 2022 in Philadelphia, PA USA and Virtual (all times are EST)

We invite interested workshop participants to submit an extended abstract (2+n pages) of their work as a contribution to our lightning talks (3-minute oral presentations). All accepted papers will also be included in our two poster sessions, which will be held in-person at the workshop. Authors with high quality contributions and of close relation to the workshop theme will be selected for this opportunity.

A maximum of ten twelve submissions will be accepted and published on the workshop website after the conference. Contributions must adhere to the double column IEEE ICRA template. If interested, please send your abstract to with the subject "ICRA22 Compliant Manipulation WS" in addition to a comment of whether you will be attending in-person or virtually, before the submission deadline.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact Andrew.

Topics of Discussion

  • Computing task-level compliance

  • Modeling and representation of adaptive systems

  • System integration of compliance

  • Compliance-focused hardware optimization

  • Motion planning with compliant systems

  • Roles of compliance at the object-level

  • Tight or negative tolerance assembly tasks

  • In-hand object manipulation exploiting compliance

  • Efficiently designing compliant manipulators

  • Low-cost implementations of software-based compliance