5th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability

ICQIS 2024

Lisbon, June 17-18, 2024

    Shahla Seifi - Biography

Shahla is an engineer by background and worked for over 20 years in the National Standards Institute of Iran. There she was responsible for assessing products, developing national standards and international affairs as well as sitting on the National Steering Committee developing ISO 26000. She has developed more than 200 national standards related to topics such as energy efficiency and labelling, acoustics, renewable energy etc.. In 2013 she relocated to the UK  where she is now based. She is both a British and an Iranian citizen, and continues to publish within her area of sustainability. She currently researches, writes and runs the Social Responsibility Research Network while also acting as consultant, editor, guest lecturer and keynote speaker. In 2021 she founded and is currently editor of the journal Technological Sustainabilty (TechS), published by Emerald.


Shahla has taught extensively – both to students and to managers – and translated much material into Farsi. As a qualified physical fitness trainer she led courses in Tehran for a number of years. She is a member of the editorial boards of several journals and book series around the world, and consults and speaks in various locations. She has published more than 20 books in English; she has published over 50 articles in English as well as numerous articles in Farsi. Recent work includes during 2023 the publication of 6 edited books, the publication of various papers, speaking engagements around the world, the continued development of TechS and numerous ongoing projects.