5th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability

ICQIS 2024

Lisbon, June 17-18, 2024

    Luís Lapão - Biography

Professor with Habilitation of Global Health Information Systems at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHMT). # Professor of Global Digital Health. # Coordinator of the Digital & Smart Health Care Laboratory. # Head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Health Workforce Policy and Planning, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. # Member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Health Emergency, Resilience and Preparednes. # Invited Professor of Hospital Management and Innovation at NOVA School of Science and Technology. # Invited Professor of Global Health at NOVA Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. # President of the General Council of Lisbon School of Nursing Member of UNIDEMI Research Center. # Member of Comprehensive Health Research Center. # Member of Global Health and Tropical Medicine. # Member of São Paulo School of Nursing Researche Center. # National Defese Auditor. # Associate Editor of the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision-Making. # Co-ordinator of the CPLP Telemedicine Network .