For authors

: IEEE authorship guidelines

: IEEE Policy on Plagiarism

: IEEE Policy on Double Submission

For oral presentation 

 Each oral presenter will be given a 20-minute time slot. Therefore, presenters should prepare a presentation of approximately 15 minutes, allowing 5 minutes for questions and answers. A laptop and a projector will be available in the presentation room, so you only need to bring your presentation file. If you prefer, you can also connect your personal laptop using the HDMI cable provided in the presentation room. All presenters are requested to enter the presentation room at least 10 minutes before their scheduled presentation time and notify the session chair of their presence upon arrival.

For poseter presentation 

Those who will be presenting poster sessions should prepare them in a free format, but the maximum size of the posters should be within 900mm x 1200mm. The conference venue will provide each presenter with a space measuring 900mm in width and 1200mm in height where you can display your poster, so please keep this in mind as you prepare for your presentation. The content of the poster should include the title, author names, affiliations, an overview of the research, research methods and results, ensuring that the text is legible from a distance of 2-3 meters. Adhesive tape, pins, and other materials for attaching the posters will be provided at the presentation venue. Please make sure to finish attaching your poster at least 10 minutes before the start of the session and wait in the designated area.