Accepted papers


  • Algorithmic Recourse: from Counterfactual Explanations to Interventions (Amir-Hossein Karimi, Bernhard Schölkopf, Isabel Valera) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv

  • Are AI-based Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Systems Compatible with European Fundamental Rights? (Astrid Bertrand, Winston Maxwell, Xavier Vamparys) -- Detailed information -- Paper

  • Regulating Accuracy-Efficiency Trade-Offs in Distributed Machine Learning Systems (A. Feder Cooper, Karen Levy, Christopher De Sa) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv

  • Punishing race, poverty and trauma: the data behind predictive algorithms in the American justice system (Claire Boine, Jeffrey D. Krupa) - Detailed information

  • The Gap between Deep Learning and Law: Predicting Employment Notice (Jason T. Lam, Rohan Bhambhoria, David Liang, Xiaodan Zhu, Samuel Dahan) -- Detailed information -- Paper

  • Legal Risks of Adversarial Machine Learning Research (Ram Shankar Siva Kumar, Jonathon Penney, Bruce Schneier, Kendra Albert) - Arxiv

  • Online publication of court records: circumventing the privacy-transparency trade-off (Tristan Allard, Louis Béziaud, Sébastien Gambs) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv

  • Social Fairness, Accountability and Transparency of the Data Economy: Using Machine Learning to Combat the Emptiness of Privacy Policies (Przemysław Pałka, Roozbeh Yousefzadeh) -- Detailed information -- Paper

  • What Is a Proxy and Why Is It a Problem? (Margarita Boyarskaya, Solon Barocas, Hanna Wallach) -- Detailed information

  • Formalizing Data Deletion in the Context of the Right to be Forgotten (Sanjam Garg, Shafi Goldwasser, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv


  • Impact of Legal Requirements on Explainability in Machine Learning (Adrien Bibal, Michael Lognoul, Alexandre de Streel, Benoît Frénay) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv -- Poster

  • Content Moderation as Legal Compliance: Annotating Hate Speech Using Judicial Legal Frameworks for Natural Language Processing Tasks (Thales Bertaglia, Giovanni De Gregorio, Catalina Goanta, Jerry Spanakis) -- Detailed information -- Poster

  • Predicting Court Decisions for Alimony: Avoiding Extra-legal Factors in Decision made by Judges and Not Understandable AI Models (Fabrice Muhlenbach, Isabelle Sayn, Long Nguyen-Phuoc) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv -- Poster

  • Detecting and Explaining Unfairness in Consumer Contracts with Memory Networks (Federico Ruggeri, Francesca Lagioia, Marco Lippi, Paolo Torroni) -- Detailed information -- Poster

  • A Causal Linear Model to Quantify Edge Unfairness for Unfair Edge Prioritization and Discrimination Removal (Pavan Ravishankar, Pranshu Malviya, Balaraman Ravindran) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv -- Poster

  • The interrelation between Data and AI Ethics in the context of Impact Assessments (Emre Kazim, Adriano Soares Koshiyama)

  • Accuracy Bounding: A Regulatory Path Forward for the Algorithmic Society (Aileen Nielsen) -- Detailed information -- Poster

  • The AI Accident Network: Artificial Intelligence Liability Meets Network Theory (Anat Lior) -- Detailed information -- Poster

  • Mitigating Bias in Algorithmic Hiring: Evaluating Claims and Practices (Manish Raghavan, Solon Barocas, Jon Kleinberg, Karen Levy) -- Detailed information -- Arxiv -- Poster

  • Conceptualizing Facial Recognition Technology in its Technical and Legal Dimensions (Natalia Menendez) -- Detailed information - Poster

  • Facial Recognition: A cross-national Survey on Public Acceptance, Privacy, and Discrimination (Lea Steinacker, M. Meckel, G. Kostka, Damian Borth) -- Poster