Authors instructions

ICML workshop Law and Machine Learning & COVID-19

As for ICML 2020, the Law and Machine Learning workshop will move to a virtual format.

Two-Track Submissions

Conference submissions follow two tracks: full conference papers and two-pages abstracts (posters).

Full papers contain methodological developments, well-validated applications, or Law papers covering the topics of the workshop. In order to favor contributions from different fields, there is no strict limit on paper length or particular format to follow. For methodological paper, we however recommend limiting the paper length to 9 pages with an additional page for the references and as many pages as needed in an appendix section (all in a single pdf). An amount of 6 to 9 full papers will be selected for oral presentations. Other accepted full papers will be presented as posters.

We also accept two-pages abstracts discussing recently published or submitted journal contributions to give authors the opportunity to present their work and obtain feedback from conference attendees. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.

Call for Papers and Posters:

Our agenda will feature contributed papers with invited speakers. Through the workshop we hope to help identify fundamentally important directions on law and ML, and foster future collaborations. We invite the submission of papers on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Governmental automated decision-making;

  • Algorithmic predictive systems;

  • “Privacy“, "fairness”, "transparency", "accountability" in law, mathematics and computer science;

  • Public policies, uncertainties and predictive models;

  • Predictive models and health and social crisis;

  • Algorithmic predictive policing systems;

  • Facial recognition;

  • Legal and technical issues of biometrics;

  • Legal and technical approaches to address cybersecurity issues (AI-based solutions).

Important Dates:

  • Call for papers: April 19th, 2020

  • Deadline for submission of two-pages abstracts and full papers: June 19th, 2020

  • Notification of acceptance: June 26th, 2020

  • Final submission: July 10th, 2020

  • Conference: July 17th or 18th, 2020 (online)

Please submit your papers and abstracts by email to by starting the subject line with [ICML2020-LML].