Границы акватории Охотского моря


1. Международная гидрографическая организация

2. Российские описания

Описание границ акватории

On the Southwest.

The Northeastern and Northern limits of the Japan Sea.

On the Southeast.

A line running from Nosyappu Saki (Cape Noshap, 43°23' N) in the Island of Hokusyu (Yezo) through the Kuril or Tisima Islands to Cape Lopatka (South point of Kamchatka) in such a way that all the narrow waters between Hokusyu and Kamchatka are included in the Sea of Okhotsk.

2.1. ТИНРО-Центр

2.2. ЕСИМО

2.3. Океанографическая энциклопедия

3. НЛЦ