

General Instructions:

Instructions for Oral Presentation

Instructions for Discussants

After the presentation, the discussant has approximately 5 minutes to talk about the presented paper. A typical presentation by a discussant would include – as a general guideline – a title page and no more than five slides.
Potential Topics for Discussant Slides:

- A general assessment of the paper
- What they think the significant contributions of the paper are or could be
- What they may consider the relevance of the topic to academia and or industry
- Areas that are especially interesting or provide a unique contribution that may be underemphasized.
- Additional or alternative theoretical perspectives that could aid the paper
- What other literature streams may also be pertinent to aid the paper
- Generative results (i.e., the types of topics that the paper's results could generate) and future research streams we could look forward to from the paper
- Other ways to aid the author(s) to improve the paper even more.

Session Chair Guidelines  

Each session will have a chair and an assistant. At the start of the session, chairs should briefly introduce themselves, declaring the session title and the session duration. 

The main tasks of the Session Chair are:

- Introduce the speakers by name and affiliation and then announce the talk title.
- Invite the presenters to start.
- Ensure smooth sessions
- Keep the schedule according to the overall program, check time for the presenter and discussants.
- Invite the discussant to comment on the presentation.

Prior to start the session, the Chair should:
- Confirm with the assistant that the computer is working properly
- Invite the presenters to sit in the front row to facilitate a quick hand over

At the end of the session:
- Thank all the participants and the audience
- Please make, if there are, any housekeeping announcements on behalf of the conference
- Formally announce that the session is closed.

Chairs are recommended to check the conference programme about the time and place of the session they are chairing: please try to arrive 10 minutes before the starting time of the session. Each Chair is asked to position him/herself in a position clearly visible by the presenter. In case of a missing presenter: the session will be continued at the next scheduled presentation. 

The job of the assistant is to:

- Manage the presenter and audience microphones
- Assist with any general technical issue related to the presentation.
- All other logistic issues.

Accommodation (Hotel):


Address: 5-7 Dao Duy Anh Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi.

Distance to NEU: 1.7 km

Contact Tel: +


Address: 72, 74 Dai Co Viet Street, Ha Ba Trung District, Hanoi.

Distance to NEU: 1.4 km

Contact Tel: +84 2439 747 272
