
r/IBO & IBO Discord notes

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the Helper Website!

This website serves as a compilation of pinned resources taken from the IBO Discord's subject channels. However, please note that the compilations of resources on this site are neither exhaustive, complete, nor up-to-date. Please refer to the pinned messages in the respective subject channels (especially for less common/popular subjects, like SEHS, ITGS, DT, or philosophy) for more resources that may not be present on this website.

Check out the revision session website here.

All recorded revision sessions hosted since M19 exam sessions can be found there.

If you have resources, IAs, or EEs, or other documents that you'd like to share, please send them (and the score/mark they received, if applicable) to!

Special thanks to fritzzes#2041, Allan#3164, elias#9286, SemiSweetPotato#5188, Krish#5744, JenerallyJenius#5409, Asterthegreat#5313, sophistry#6845, Lake#3557, Swastikツ#4284, rubes#1689, jv#0180, CreativeUsername1#6400, AdventurousAndrew#7499 and many others for organising and contributing to the website!

Sitemap: Navigation Menu

Group 1: Studies In Language & Literature

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Group 3: Individuals & Societies

Group 4: Experimental Sciences

Group 5: Mathematics

Group 6: The Arts

  • N/A

Core Components
