
Cell Biology Facility (CBF

Current mission 

Intracellular galectin-glycan interaction

The immediate mission of IBC cell biology core facility is to support IBC institutional grand challenge project to investigate the biology of glycan-galectin interactions inside the cell

Galectins are a family of β-galactoside- binding proteins. 

It has been very challenging to understand their functions inside and outside of the cells, because while their glyco-ligands are widely distributed extracellularly, they reside primarily in intracellular space and are able to interact with various intracellular proteins in a glycan-independent fashion.

Sharing Resource and provide services 


對於(醣)生物相關實驗材料與實驗條件, 有需要諮詢, 轉介或教學, 可以email, 電話或預約時段開會方式討論。

請先諮詢核心管理人後填寫醣生物學核心服務申請表後交付核心實驗室助理上網登錄, 並取得預估使用經費和服務完成日期之資訊。

服務完成一個月後, 核心助理將提供服務滿意度與建議調查表給使用者填寫後繳回核心實驗室備查。


全院核心服務目前包含 醣結合蛋白晶片醣結合蛋白 FACS 服務,可由全院核心系統預約再送件至醣生物學核心實驗室進行服務。


Facility operation policies

This facility provides the following services for researchers of the Institute of Biochemistry:

Form download: 

Upload application form and sMTA

服務滿意度調查表 (User Satisfaction Survey) 
