Game Rules

4 - 6 Players | 60 - 90 minutes | Age: 13 +


Our game takes place in a distant future where Earth has been polluted to the point it has become uninhabitable for humanity. A group of colonists have taken it upon themselves to colonize a new planet, and establish a new home for humanity.

The objective of each colonist is to successfully build up their own colonies and be the most prosperous, while ensuring they don’t massively pollute the planet like Earth. The core gameplay involves players taking turns building up their colonies, managing resources, and resolving random conflicts that come their way.

Additionally, players may sometimes have to work together to solve bigger crises that affect the entire world, exacerbated by the impact they have on global pollution.


Players take charge of their own colonies, and act as leaders to decide how they want their colony to prosper. As colony leaders, players enact different policies that dictate the course of their civilization. As industry is the lifeblood of civilization, certain colonies may focus purely on short-term gains while disregarding the environment. Others may play more conservatively.

Regardless of what path they take, their collective actions determine the course of the planet. If their actions destroy the new planet too much, disastrous effects are likely to occur, destroying everything everyone built up.

Players must then decide if they wish to build a colony that will stand the test of time, or race to the finish line in a short-term power struggle that will ultimately lead to destruction.



Land tiles containing both resources and blanks are shuffled, and placed randomly in each space of the board.

Major event cards and minor event cards are shuffled randomly.

Each player starts with 3 of each resource: water, food, and money, and starts in one corner of the map.


In the first round, players take turns revealing their starting tiles by flipping them over, and deciding whether or not to preserve their resources or to spend money to construct industries, or to spend water, money, and food to expand their territory.

Industries have different effects on pollution levels, depending on their tiers. When constructing an industry, players give away a certain amount of money and place an industry token of the corresponding tier on one of their resource tiles. The global pollution levels are updated accordingly.

At the end of the first round, and at the end of each subsequent round, a 20-sided die is rolled. Depending on the number rolled and the global pollution level, if the sum of both are greater than or equal to 20, then a major event occurs. Major event cards require lots of resources to be spent to prevent disastrous effects.

From the second round until the end of the game, players begin their turns by drawing a minor event card. Minor events have the potential to provide benefits or penalties to players, depending on effects. Players then collect resource cards and money based on the amount of tiles they have claimed on the board, and the types of resource tiles they own. Players can then choose to construct industries, expand territory, trade resources with other players or the bank, or resolve events by spending resources.

Play matrix

Our game is balanced in terms of skill and chance. Much of the core gameplay loop is determined based on how well players are able to balance both their own resources to build up their colony, and preserving the environment. However, every round, there is a chance that events may occur that cause players to drastically shift their approach and adapt to change.

The game requires purely mental skills. Strategic thinking, resource management, foresight, are all required to succeed in this game. The most physical action a player will take is drawing a card.


New Horizon Rulesheet.pdf