

Our game plays like a simplified 4X game, however unlike some 4X games, the long term strategy of the game involves considering the actions of other players in your strategies to prevent the pollution levels from getting too high. While the individual resources are simplified, having a global resource that impacts everybody makes the core gameplay loop a lot different.


Global warming and climate change as a result of pollution is incredibly relevant today, the effects of which are only increasing with each passing year. Unless something is done about it, it will become far too late, and the planet will end up uninhabitable for humanity, much like how it ended up for the colonists of our game.

the selling point

For players interested in strategy/resource management games, particularly 4X games, the core gameplay loop is familiar, yet it is streamlined so that more casual or newer players are able to join in without being intimidated.

The strategy of the game is somewhat different than other games within the genre, as while those games often focus purely on individual goals, our game has the added layer of cooperative play which shifts the dilemmas of the game from purely individual ones.

The game teaches players that our collective actions are responsible for the trajectory of the world, which is a key part of our message to preserve the environment.

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