New Horizon

Team HMM

William You | Zack Yang | Martin Wang | Ivy Wong | Jonathan Newman


Game Description

This is a tile-based game where players work against each other to build the most prosperous colony, while working together to reduce global pollution. Our game takes place in a distant future where Earth has been polluted to the point it has become uninhabitable for humanity. A group of colonists have taken it upon themselves to colonize a new planet, and establish a new home for humanity.

The objective of each colonist is to successfully build up their own colonies and be the most prosperous, while ensuring they don’t massively pollute the planet like Earth. The core gameplay involves players taking turns building up their colonies, managing resources, and resolving random conflicts that come their way. Additionally, players may sometimes have to work together to solve bigger crises that affect the entire world, exacerbated by the impact they have on global pollution.

What to expect

Experience a new world where you are forced into dilemmas that lead to great impacts on others. As leaders, you will discover the challenges of managing a colony, balancing the preservation of the environment on the new planet while ensuring a stable civilization. After all, you don’t want to repeat the same mistakes as Earth.