Hydroponics Pumps for Air and Water: Discussing Them Both

Just not any other equipment in the hydroponic kit, pumps constitute to be a very important part of the whole process. Hydroponic pumps are at the heart of your irrigation system. Many people tend to neglect this area just because they do not understand what is involved in selecting an absolute hydroponic pump and the requirements for pumps used in hydroponic conditions. It must be emphasized that the pumps used in hydroponic systems have different requirements than those used for pumping clean water or for that matter swimming pools.

Size of the pump is an important concern and needs to be understood and taken care of. The size of the pump is determined by the volume of water that needs to be pumped. The height above the pump the water needs to be pumped and the thickness of the pipes that will be used from the pump to outlets.

There are 2 possible usage scenarios for air pumps in hydroponics:

1. Reservoir aeration

2. Airlift water pump

For the first case, the air pump is used to increase the dissolved oxygen level in the nutrient solution. This is because earthly plant roots require oxygen in order to breathe, in the same way that leaves require carbon dioxide to breathe. Without oxygen, plant roots will quickly rot, and the plant will die. This is the mechanism by which most people kill their soil-based house plants by overwatering.

For the second case, the air pump replaces a submersible pump to move water from the reservoir to the plants (i.e. to flood a grow bed or to push a drip irrigation system).

Even though pumps are ignored equipment it needs to be mentioned that they are absolutely important and need to be considered and chosen only after carefully understanding their size and capacity according to the size of the garden.

To buy pumps online, log on to https://www.hyjo.co.uk/pumps.html