Choosing the Right Hydroponic Grow Tent – Your Guide Here

Starting a hydroponic garden comes with a lot of work; apart from the selection of hydroponic seeds there are other things that need to be particularly taken care of including the particular equipments that have an important role to play.

That being said, the selection processes of indoor grow room tent is considered to be the most difficult particularly because it consumes a lot of time and selecting a wrong one could mean hampering the growth of the plant to a huge extent. Considering this point in particular the blog focuses on the various things that need to be considered when choosing the right hydroponic grow tent for the garden. Read the blog until the end and get some valuable information –

  • Selecting the Size of the Tent - To begin with, the points that play a major role include the shape and size of the grow tent. Both these points should be considered really important when picking the grow tent – the selection should be made on the basis of the estimated size of the plant growth as well as the width it might take. It is advisable to choose a tent that’s a little bigger than the height the plant might take, this way the size of the tent wouldn’t hamper the height of the plant. The height depends on what the grower will be using it for. Most of the time, this is the entire grow cycle. The minimum height that is recommended is 200 cm but some growers have circumstances of less space in height, so they can get away with 180cm in height. 200cm is recommended because it gives space for the lights, filters and fans because you hang them from the inside of the roof of the tent. In turn this gives your plants enough room. Having the tent higher in height is good most especially with different genetics but 200cm usually cuts it.
  • Quality of the Grow Tent – Next point in line that needs to be particularly considered is the quality of the grow tent - check the stability and design of the frame—while it should not have to support much more weight than the shell and the light fixture, it should not appear flimsy once assembled. Look at the stitching and quality of the shell. Since the front zips will be most used ensure the quality of the zips is really good; it is best to check the reviews before you make the final purchase.
  • Venting Options – Access panels have uses that are not immediately apparent, such as for running cords, venting or irrigation plumbing, and more access options are generally better. It is important to make sure the existing tent openings are compatible with your venting plans, although cuts can be made to modify most tents.

It is no doubt that selection of the grow tents is no easy thing, but with the right tricks in mind you can defiantly choose the tent that will be the best for your hydroponic plants. Keep in mind these our points mentioned above about the selection process of these grow tents and see how simple the things might turn out to be.

Further, if you are looking for some of the best options of grow tents for sale it is suggested you visit Hyjo – here there is an exclusive range available at the most cost friendly price.