5 Reasons to Use Grow Tents for Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponics is a tough subject, especially if you’re an amateur; not only does it require immense amount of information but also the right set of equipments that have a role to play in starting a hydroponic garden.

However, it has been seen on most occasions that people tend to compromise not only on the quality but in some cases even the type of equipments required. If you are one of those starting a hydroponic garden but planning to compromise on the indoor grow tents, then here are the 5 most convincing reasons for the selection of these hydroponic grow tents.

1. Allows for an All Year Gardening – Mother Nature no longer controls what you can grow when you use a grow tent. You can grow your favorite veggies, salad greens and more from seeds or seedlings whenever and wherever you want and you can grow them absolutely all through the year depending on your choices.

2. Keeps Pests Out - The closed design of grow tents keeps pests such as white flies, aphids and spider mites away. Pest control with a grow tent is nothing compared to the issues many gardeners run into when growing outdoors. As long as you keep your tent clean and use preventive measures, pests tend to stay out. However, there will be a need for you to use some pesticides should the grow become infested.

3. Circulates Clean Air - Many grow tents come with air filtration systems that enhance the circulation of clean air in the tent. The filtration system draws air from the interior parts of the grow tent via a filter that is carbon activated and releases it outside the tent. This process is called “negative pressure” and has been proven to be highly effective in maintaining fresh air inside grow tents. You can always use the right set of air cleaners to make sure the air in the grow room is clean and perfect for the growth of your plants.

4. Easy to Set Up – The easiest about using a grow tent is because it is easier to set up when compared to the outdoor garden system. You don’t have to be an expert to figure out how to set up and use a grow tent. They are perfect for beginners. Many grow tents do not need tools to be set up. Choose a location with adequate access to power and water to keep your grow tent for the duration of your plants’ growing needs.

5. Using Space Wisely - An indoor grow tent can take up as much or as little space as you want. They are ideal for growing in areas you normally wouldn’t think of, such as a garage or closet. Further, you control the environment; you don’t need to worry about temperature and light fluctuations and that is the best part about using the grow tents for hydroponics.

Convinced much? Buy the best grow tents online from Hyjo; log on to Hyjo website.