Post Prom

Never been to Post Prom? 

Then you need to WATCH this VIDEO!

Don't know what it's all about?

CLICK and turn up the volume

to get a peek into a super fun . memorable . safe  night for our kids!

V2_2022-06-03 Post Prom_V2.MOV


Post Prom Activities

Post prom fun facts

Tuxedo return location is available.

Click below for some photos of previous post prom events

2017 Post Prom Images.pdf
2019 Post Prom Images.pdf


Q: What is Post Prom?

A: Post Prom is a substance-free, chaperoned senior class event immediately following senior prom. Students are provided with changing areas, a tuxedo return option, games and entertainment, food and quiet areas. There is no charge at the door. All the seniors and their dates are encouraged to attend -- even if they do not attend prom.

Q:  When is Post Prom?

A:  Post Prom immediately follows the Senior Prom, beginning late Friday night and continuing into the early morning hours on Saturday. Exact times are determined by the senior class parent reps with input from other stakeholders.

Q:  Who funds Post Prom?

A:  The CHS PTO does not fund Post Prom. Parent volunteers in each class raise funds to cover the cost of Post Prom. Parents may recall an appeal for family donations, various small and large fundraisers, and donations from local businesses or community organizations. Fundraising generally occurs far in advance to allow for adequate budgeting and planning.

Q:  How can I donate?

A:  Visit your class page on this website and email the parent reps. Donations of time and treasure are always appreciated.

Q:  Do the kids wear formal attire all night?

A:  No! Post Prom is a casual event. Shorts, t-shirts, sweats and sneakers are recommended. Changing rooms are provided.

Q:  My child doesn’t plan to attend senior prom. Can he/she attend Post Prom?

A:  Yes! Post Prom is an inclusive event for all seniors, with a casual and celebratory atmosphere.

Q:  How can I learn more about Post Prom?

A:  Watch the videos and view the photos on this page. Follow PTO communications and social media as the event date draws near. Please contact parent reps directly with specific questions. 

Q:  How can I help?

A:  Parent volunteers from each senior class are responsible for planning and executing Post Prom. Volunteers are welcome. Several committees are in the planning stages. Please check your class page for class parent rep contact information and reach out with your interest and availability.