
Measuring the overall Length

  • The ideal length is that equal to the luff of the mainsail i.e. boom to the top of the mast. This assumes that it is possible to climb onto the boom prior to ascending. The easiest way to measure is either by:Hoisting a long tape measure to the masthead, using the main halyard or ...

  • Attaching a length of line to the main halyard, before hoisting to the mast head. Mark the length required,then measure the line length when safely retrieved.

Choosing Correct Sail Slides

Please contact us for advice if in doubt about the size required for your mast, or if you need alternative fixing because sail slides are not suitable.


AO13 AO14


AO16 AO17 AO18

16.0 19.0 22.0 mm

10.5 14.0 mm

13.5 mm

7.9 9.3 12.5 mm

relates to the width of the slide