Checking Final Grades

Step 1

Go to

sTEP 2

Look for the blue circle with the person in a helmet in white on the left and click it.

Step 3

Login using your student ID and password.

Step 4

You will need to enter your contact information using the e-정보입력/수정 link.

Step 5

Enter your:

    1. e-mail address;
    2. phone number (H.P);
    3. your address
      • Click the gold/yellow button to search for your ZIP Code, which will allow you to choose the rest of your address in a standardized format.
    4. Click the save button.

Step 6

Choose each one of your classes using the drop-down menu and complete the related course evaluation.

Step 7

Complete the course evaluation. Questions are in both Korean and English.

Step 8

Now you can click on the top link, 당해각기 성적조회, to see your grades.

Shortly after the semester ends, you can also see your grades on the Exchange Student Application portal.