
Coughing can be a painful experience, especially if you already suffer from chronic back pain. The forceful contractions can put strain on your spine, exacerbating any existing issues. In order to relieve back pain from coughing, it's important to support your back and take precautions to minimize discomfort. This article will provide you with some helpful tips and strategies to support your back during coughing.

Use Proper Posture

One of the key ways to support your back during coughing is to maintain proper posture. When you cough, it's natural to hunch forward, but this can put additional stress on your back. Instead, try to sit or stand up straight when coughing. Align your shoulders over your hips and relax your back muscles. This will help distribute the force of the cough evenly throughout your spine, reducing the strain on specific areas.

Supportive Pillows

Another effective way to support your back during coughing is to use supportive pillows. Placing a pillow behind your back can provide additional cushioning and support, helping to alleviate the pressure on your spine. Choose a pillow that is firm enough to maintain its shape, but still comfortable to lean against. This will help you maintain good posture and reduce the likelihood of exacerbating your back pain.

Engage Your Core

Engaging your core muscles can provide added support to your back during coughing. These muscles help stabilize your spine and protect it from unnecessary strain. To engage your core, imagine pulling your belly button towards your spine. This will activate your abdominal muscles and create a stable foundation for your back. By strengthening your core, you can minimize the impact of coughing on your spine and reduce back pain.

Stretching and Exercise

Incorporating stretching exercises into your daily routine can help support your back during coughing. Gentle stretches can loosen tight muscles and improve flexibility in your back, reducing the chance of injury during coughing episodes. Additionally, regular exercise that focuses on strengthening your back and core muscles can also provide support and stability. Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to determine the best stretching and exercise routine for your specific needs.


When dealing with cough-induced back pain, it's important to take proactive steps to support your back and minimize discomfort. Maintaining proper posture, using supportive pillows, engaging your core, and incorporating stretching and exercise into your routine can all contribute to proper back support during coughing. By implementing these strategies, you can alleviate back pain and prevent further aggravation of your spine. Remember, if your back pain persists or worsens, it is always advisable to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.