
Coughing can be quite uncomfortable and, in some cases, can even lead to back pain. Whether you are dealing with a common cold, allergies, or a respiratory infection, persistent coughing can put strain on your back muscles and cause discomfort. If you are experiencing back pain from coughing, there are several home remedies that can help provide relief. In this article, we will explore some of the best ways to relieve back pain caused by coughing.

Stretching and Exercises

One of the most effective ways to alleviate back pain from coughing is by incorporating stretching and exercises into your daily routine. Gentle stretching exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your back, reducing the strain caused by coughing. Some beneficial exercises for back pain relief include pelvic tilts, gentle twists, and hamstring stretches. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise routine.

Hot and Cold Compresses

Applying hot and cold compresses to your back can provide immediate relief from pain caused by coughing. Hot compresses help relax the muscles and reduce inflammation, while cold compresses reduce swelling and numb the area. Alternate between hot and cold compresses for about 15 minutes at a time, several times a day, to effectively manage your back pain.

Deep Breathing Techniques

Coughing can often be intense, causing shallow breathing patterns that can exacerbate back pain. Practicing deep breathing techniques can help alleviate this discomfort. Start by taking slow, deep breaths, filling your lungs completely, and exhaling slowly. This can help relax your back muscles and alleviate the strain caused by coughing.

Posture Correction

Poor posture can contribute to back pain, especially when combined with the strain of coughing. Pay attention to your posture throughout the day, making sure to sit and stand with a straight back and aligned shoulders. Use ergonomic pillows and supports to help maintain proper posture while sitting or lying down. Correcting your posture can significantly reduce back pain caused by coughing.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, but it can also play a role in relieving back pain from coughing. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your body hydrated and supports the natural healing process. Hydration can also thin the mucus in your respiratory system, making it easier to expel through coughing, reducing strain on your back muscles.


Dealing with back pain caused by coughing can be frustrating, but with the right home remedies, you can find relief. Incorporate stretching exercises into your routine, use hot and cold compresses, practice deep breathing techniques, correct your posture, and stay hydrated. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional if your back pain persists or worsens. By taking proactive steps and implementing these home remedies, you can effectively relieve back pain caused by coughing and get back to feeling your best.