Creating Class Connect Sessions

  1. From your K12 dashboard, click "My Schedule." Then click "Schedule New" under "Class Connect."

  • Alternatively, you can go to the K12 LMS, go to "See List of Class Connects," and "Create New Session."

  1. For "Session Type" select one of the following, then click "Continue":

  • CLASSROOM: If your classes are populated in K12 by grade level, you have a tile, all your kids are in the system

  • ASSEMBLY: For a class of 51 or more people

  • SMALL GROUP: If you still don't have all your kids in your K12 classes, or if you want to invite other people to your sessions.

  1. Add a Session Name, Subject, Course, and Program. Then hit "Continue."

  2. Add a date, time, and whether the session repeats. Then click "Continue."

  • To set up repeat classes on a block schedule, you'll need to do "Every Other Week" for MWF and TR.

  1. Pick your participants. You can filter by Role (teacher/students), or use the top-right Filter option to filter by your Classes or Groups.

  2. For each person you want in your session, click their name and then "Required" or "optional." to move them to the right side. When you're done, hit "Continue."

  3. Check to make sure everything is right, and click "Schedule Session."