I know there is this function when developing a form but want the customer to be able to continue to add information after an initial request/intake is done. For example, we have an intake form, where customers request changes. Once that is received and reviewed it is routed to different committees. If it is routed to a specific committee they have additional questions that need to be asked/addressed. We had built this as a form but then it goes into another sheet or adds a row into the sheet. I was instructed that if you have everything on one line in a single sheet it makes for easier reporting and tracking. But now I don't see a way to send a request that has additional description of the field. I thought about changing the field name but some of them are questions that are too long for the field name. Any guidance/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

This might work, do you know how I would add these "helper columns"? Would it just be adding columns that have the question or helper language in them and then including that column on the update request?? I'm thinking this would be the approach but want to make sure I'm understanding.

How To Use Video Download Helper

Download File 🔥 https://urluss.com/2yGaGK 🔥

However, based on the feedback I saw already, the age of the questions and the the non implementation of all those crucial things it seems like Smartsheet is not really into making things more user friendly.. So not sure if it even makes sense to raise it again...

I have a sheet with over a dozen columns each with their own helper text. So the suggestion is that I should add "helper columns" after each column to hold the text from the form? Is that really the best we can do AFTER 2 YEARS?! This is really less than ideal and pretty disappointing. Perhaps worse is the lack of response from Smartsheet to address or even acknowledge this issue. Even if there is no solution on the horizon, addressing user concerns is customer service 101 level stuff. Feel free to alert me if this has been addressed elsewhere I missed it.

I'm also struggling with this issue - was there every an improvement made? This is pretty basic stuff. As would be the option to choose either update requests as individual emails for each row, or all rows bundled into one email. At the moment, if there are more than 6 items, we are forced into an bulk email which looks dreadful (an ilegible spreadsheet pasted into the email body), and once the update form opens (which looks good) the user has to make all updates at the same time before they can submit. They have no option to do a few, submit, then come back later and do the others. I asked about this 3 years ago and no change. Very disappointing.

Please please please that would be such a great feature ! In our organization I send update request to many users and when there are new users for example it's not easy for them to know what they have to put in the columns (because I don't want to make columns with a crazy long name).

If we have the help text directly in the update request for each column it would be almost like a Smartsheet Form which is great! ( I cannot use the form for our purpose as it is datas which can only be updated step by step and not one-shot). Do you know if there is any Idea proposition existing on this topic so we can vote it, I didn't find it...

I'm writing an actor where I'm offloading a long task to its helper loop. That task needs access to the values of the actor's current private data, and then the actor needs to change private data depending on the results of the long analysis and the current private data.

My understanding is that actors are by value classes maintained in a shift register of actor core. Therefore in an actor's helper loop, which I create, I shouldn't make a second shift register with the actor's class wire -- that would create a copy of the actor's private data with all the potential bugs associated.

My issue is, within the helper loop's event I need access to the up to date private data of the actor's class. Now I thought about sending copies of the actor's private data when the event fires, but that has concurrency issues (if multiple such events are fired, and the first one modifies the private data the subsequent events will be making decisions based on stale data since I sent copies).

Do I want to send a reference to the actor's private data to the helper loop? Is that an Ok design within AF? I'm a little hesitant of that solution b/c now I have two things which might modify the actor's private data but maybe since helper loops are within actor its still "encapsulation". Not really sure...

If the data should more properly be state of the helper loop, move those fields out of the actor and into the helper loop. When the actor receives a message that needs to modify those fields, send a message to the helper loop (queue or user event) to do the action and modify the fields.

Interesting, so I've never considered having a separate state to maintain, that of the helper loop. I guess I was kind of gravitating towards actors are their own states so I should put everything in their private data. I guess I'm not seeing a downside to having long-task state data could go into the helper loop's shift register. Then periodically the helper loop fires off a message with the current state to the actor when the analysis finishes.

(My potential worry right now is a race condition where if in prelaunch init of a nested actor, a message is sent to root, and if root chooses to direct it to a helper loop, that root's helper loop might not be up and running yet.)

You don't have to worry about that. The communication channels are established even if the loops are not yet running, so the various "send" operations that you're wanting to do all succeed. The parent enqueuer is already established, and any link you create from parent Actor Core to helper loop will already be established by the time the parent receives the message.

Messages are handled in Actor Core (or, more clearly, the Call Parent Method node in your new Actor's Actor Core). Launch Nested Actor also doesn't return until Pre launch init returns, so if you have Launch Nested wired in series before Actor Core then you KNOW that Actor Core won't handle the new message until AFTER your nested actor has finished launching. The helper loops may or may not be running yet (it depends on where you put them of course). Like AQ said though, you're definitely not going to lose a message.

Just to sharpen my question, I'm not worried about losing a message. I'm worried about losing a user event that's fired by root but before root's helper loop, which has the event structure that's dynamically registered to handle the event, has begun to run yet.

It seems that almost every day I get this stupid pop-up on my Macbook and Macmini (Desktop) telling me that I need to enter my password for my computer so that Evernote can do an update and "Add Helper". I have attached a screenshot of what I get. Why do I have to keep Adding the helper? This is really annoying.

There's an old thread on this, but I had to search to learn about it. Had never heard of helper before. The forum has a brief page on it, dated early 2019 but the EN help section on it is undated. What version EN are you running?

In Evernote v10 the Helper is installed alongside the main application. If you are being invited to install the helper on its own then you may be best uninstalling Evernote and then downloading the application from evernote.com and reinstalling which should fix the problem.

As @lost_gweedo notes, the helper changed between the older v7 of Evernote for MacOS and the current release. But I think my advice would be the same except that if you wish to remain with the older software you will have to download what is now called Legacy (search for download old version of evernote).

If you go the Legacy route remember that it is an unsupported software and from time to time issues arise that make it less relaible. I believe that user of MacOS Ventura are experiencing issues with the Legacy software which will not be repaired.

If I go to the activity monitor on my Mac, I find a number of processes running called "Evernote Helper". AFAIK they have nothing to do with the little EN Helper menu bar function - they are somehow part of the main app.

The message you get indicates that something is amiss with your installation. I think it tries to heal this be asking to install something in addition. I would completely purge the actual installation from my Mac, using the app AppCleaner from the internet. Then restart the Mac, and reinstall the EN app. 152ee80cbc

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