POCUS workflow & Qpath

All ultrasound images at both JHED and BVED are uploaded and permanently archived in Qpath. This system tracks trainee ultrasound studies for emergency ultrasound credentialing, as well as facilitate ultrasound billing for the ED. Residents must log onto Qpath to complete standardized reports of the interpretations for all completed examinations.

Uploading ultrasound images to Qpath

  • When you complete your study, press the "End exam" on the machine
  • Most of the machines will start uploading wirelessly
      • Machines that are NOT wireless: Sonosite M-turbo and Sonosite Edge (all machines that flip open like a laptop)
      • These will need to be connected to an ethernet jack (at JHH - alcove by Rm 32 and at BV alcoves across from Rm 12 on low side and across from Rm 26 on high side). Once plugged in, the machine will automatically begin to upload images, and they will be visible in Qpath within 5-10 minutes
  • If you do not see your studies in Qpath, check the "Review" tab on the machine to see if your images were successfully archived.

Completing Qpath reports

While on Ultrasound rotation, all Qpath reports must be completed prior to the next Thursday QA meeting. It's best to submit your studies at the end of each scan day, this way you can increase the likelihood of timely feedback from the Emergency Ultrasound faculty.

Qpath is accessible at http://qpath.jhmi.edu on any campus computer, or at home via Hopkins MyCloud

  • Login with your JHED ID and password - please login PRIOR to the start of your ultrasound rotation to ensure your account is activated -- otherwise studies performed may not link to you
  • Please review the Qpath E quick guide and Dr. Rhyne's guide to optimizing your Qpath below:
Qpath E Quick Guide.docx
Rhyne - Optimizing Qpath E.pdf