PGY3 POCUS elective


  • Successful completion of 4 weeks of PGY-1 emergency US rotations (including reading and ACEP ultrasound exams)

  • The minimum ultrasound requirements for residency graduation must be met prior to the start of the PGY3 elective, including:

      • Completing 150-300 POCUS exams, with >25 approved scans in 5 diagnostic applications (including FAST and echo) and >5 US guided procedures

  • Interested residents should contact Dr. Fong at least 1 month prior to the potential start date of their elective

The goals of this 2-week advanced POCUS rotation are to:

  • Become proficient in bedside image acquisition and interpretation in 12 US applications defined by ACEP, and reliably integrate POCUS into clinical practice

  • Reach the Level 4.5 Milestone competency in Emergency Ultrasound as defined by CORD-SAEM:



  • Attend faculty-led scan shifts (refer to schedule e-mailed to you)

  • Self-scheduled independent scan shifts to gain further experience, obtaining a total of >100 approved scans in Qpath (see required views and how to use Qpath)

  • Attend Monday QA/education meetings while on rotation, generally 9a-12p on Zoom or in BVED 4th floor conference room

  • Complete 1 OB scan session at Planned Parenthood

See rotation calendar below


  • Read the following:

-Review chapters for all 12 ACEP ultrasound applications in Soni & Arntfield's Point-of-Care Ultrasound (available free on the JHU library website)

-Additional materials (readings, videos, podcasts) may be assigned during the rotation

  • Present a brief (15 min) talk on a POCUS topic of your choice during Monday QA. Faculty can help advise regarding topics


  • Complete observed ultrasound examination (will be part of your scheduled faculty scan shift)

  • Feedback will be provided in-person at Monday QA meetings and via New Innovations

  • EM residents must attend resident conference every Friday morning

  • The POCUS rotation is a clinical rotation, and scheduling of other commitments (e.g. Step 3, simulation, personal) during the US rotation must be approved in advance by the US faculty. The rotation is designed to be flexible, and we can usually accommodate if you let us know in advance. In general, the resident should plan to scan in the ED from Monday-Friday. At least 4-6 hours a day should be devoted to bedside US scanning to be able to meet rotation requirements. Your independent scan shifts are self-scheduled and can take place anytime, as long as rotation requirements below are met.