
3x strength: $299 (suitable for new love, general money and job spells, curse removal)

5x strength: $499 (suitable for targeted love spells or commanding spells, job or money spells, protection spells)

7x strength: $699 (suitable for breakups, return lover spells, success spells, road opener spells, harsh jinxes)

9x strength: $899 (extra-strength -- for more intense versions of any of the above)

13x strength: $999 (for only the most difficult cases or cases where extreme results are required.)

Spellcast pricing is based on numbers of days that will be spent casting your spell. Ingredients and expenses are included in the price. The spell process, which includes making and ordering ingredients, begins as soon as your payment is received; there may be a wait time of up to 6 weeks before the actual performing of your spell subject to availability of the supplies (I always strive to select suppliers who prioritize quick shipping, but please understand that there are occasional factors beyond my control. Your understanding is greatly appreciated!)

Some spells can be done at any strength, but others require a minimum strength and won't be performed unless the minimum strength or greater is to be used. 

If your desired spell type isn't named above, please contact the spellcaster and an appropriate recommendation will be made. 

Custom Spell Prescription


If you are comfortable with performing your own spells and purchasing your own ingredients, I can consult with you to create a fully customized spell prescription. I will email you the finished instructions, which will have a list of the ingredients you need and the steps for performing the ritual.