Executive Committee

The 2023-2024 Executive Committee

Homestead PTA Executive Committee- 2023_24.pdf

What is the PTA Executive Committee?

The Executive Board consists of the Elected Officers, the Principal, and any Teacher Representatives. The Executive Committee consists of the Elected Officers.

President: President has a wide range of responsibilities, from running PTA meetings to serving as the official liaison between the PTA parents and the Principal. The President find volunteers to chair the committees and represents the PTA at meetings.

Vice-president: The Vice-president is an aide to the president, and performs the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to serve. The Vice-President researches, evaluates, and makes approval recommendations for Grants submitted by Homestead Faculty and Staff.

Treasurer: Treasurer is the elected custodian of the local PTA unit's funds, financial records and the official membership list. Treasurers process reimbursements for PTA expenses and presents the Treasurers report at each PTA Board meeting.

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary is the custodian of the PTAs records, except those specifically assigned to others, e.g., Treasurer's records. Recording Secretary keeps the minutes of the General Membership meetings and Board meetings.

Corresponding Secretary: Corresponding Secretary conducts the official correspondence of the PTA and keeps a file of all correspondence.  As part of these responsibilities, the Corresponding Secretary monitors the PTA’s Facebook page, oversees the Virtual Backpack content and is the owner of the PTA Calendar. 

Principal and/or Assistant Principal: The Principal and/or Assistant Principal nonvoting members of the Executive Board. They attend PTA Board meetings and report on items of interest, issues of concern and upcoming events.

Teacher Representatives: The Teacher Representatives are teachers at the school who are also PTA members. They attend PTA Board meetings and usually report on what kind of studies each grade level is working on.

Interested in joining the PTA Board (Executive Committee)?

If you are interested in being on the PTA Board for the upcoming school year but want some more information you can:

Once you are ready to submit your name for nomination... 

 What is the Nominating Committee?

The Nominating Committee is comprised of at least 1 Committee Chair and 2 Members at Large. It is responsible for: receiving Letters of Intent from applicants who are interested in assuming a position on the PTA Executive Board for the subsequent school year. reviewing the Letters of Intent and discussing the applicants' qualifications. If there is more than one applicant for any board position, the nominating committee then votes to determine which candidate is most qualified for the position. At the PTA meeting where the board members are elected, the nominating committee officially nominates all selected candidates for final vote by the assembly. This committee requires a very short time commitment (usually one meeting near the beginning of May, plus attendance at the May PTA meeting), but has a very big impact on who is elected to the subsequent year's PTA Executive Board.

All board positions are open each year.  Sitting board members do not have first-shot at any of the board positions, which include:  President; Vice President; Treasurer; Recording Secretary; Corresponding Secretary.

Election Timeline: 

What about Committee Chairs, are they elected positions? 

Committee Chairs are not elected. To serve as a committee chair, the interested party contacts the PTA President. If more than one person offers to serve as the chair for the committee they may be asked to co-chair or the PTA Board will select the chair from interested parties.