Supporting home-based Christian Fellowship and the Pursuit of Scriptural Truth

Welcome to HomeChristians.Net!

HomeChristians.Net is dedicated to the support of home-based Christian fellowship (also known as House Church) and the pursuit of scriptural truth. We are not a new denomination and do not represent any religious or political organization. We believe that the bible is God's Word and that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the head of the Christian congregation and the only mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5). Our earnest desire is to do the will of our Heavenly Father, Yahweh (or Jehovah in English) while we await the return of His Son Jesus, in glory, to extend God's righteous and just rule to the entire earth (Matthew 25:31-33, Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 11:6-9). We hope and pray that God's Kingdom will come soon--that His will may be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9-13).

To learn more about God's wonderful plan for us see the Good News.

House Church

We have found that informal fellowship in a house church can provide spiritual fulfillment and true Christian freedom not found in larger, institutionalized churches. We meet as friends in our homes for worship, singing, bible study, meals, discussion and prayer (Matthew 18:20). Several house churches can associate in a larger support network, but we believe strongly that there should never be a central organizing authority. Each house church should maintain its dependency on Christ alone (Matthew 23:10). During the Covid pandemic, we moved to Zoom meetings, and several of these continue today. See Events to learn how you can participate in these.

If you are not currently a member of a non-denominational house church, we encourage you to try starting one in your own home. It's as easy as inviting some friends over for dinner! For further information, see Chapter 14 - Forming a New Congregation in the Home Christian's Handbook, or send us an email.

Scriptural Truth

Jesus said we should worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23), so understanding God's teachings and expectations is very important. This involves serious bible study, prayer, discussion, and experience. We must continually examine our beliefs and our lives in light of the scriptures and discard that which proves unbiblical, even if considered acceptable by mainstream churches. After all, it is God we must please, not men.

Some of our articles and audio recordings are posted here for the benefit of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Since we are imperfect humans, we encourage you to verify all things with your own bible. Where we have erred we pray for God's correction and guidance.

If home-based Christianity sounds like something you would like to explore, please read on. If you have house church experiences you would like to post, have comments for us, or need more information, please contact us. If you would like to help with our work, we need translators for the Good News.