Frequently Asked Questions

Are home Christians a new denomination?

Home Christians are non-denominational. We do not represent any religious or secular organization. Some home Christians choose to belong to a particular denomination. This in no way conflicts with their membership in their home group.

What's the difference between HomeChristians.Net and other house church sites?

The house church movement is extremely important. House church leaders have correctly shown that many of the practices of the established churches are based on tradition rather than scripture. They have promoted an organic form of Christian fellowship that can be more spiritually fulfilling than the traditional church service. However, we believe that reform needs to go much deeper. We must examine the beliefs we have inherited in light of the bible, and be prepared to discard those that prove unscriptural. The house church movement has rejected many church traditions in the areas of form and practice, but often accepts unscriptural church teachings which were developed long after the death of Jesus and his apostles. We believe the Reformation must continue in the area of doctrine as well as practice, even to the point of questioning dearly held historical, or so-called "Orthodox" beliefs. We have found in practice that the popularity or longevity of a doctrine does not in any way guarantee its biblical truth.

How can I start a home group? I'm not a minister or a pastor, and I don't know a lot about the bible.

Remember that the first Christians were fishermen. Jesus did not select them because of their intellectual or academic gifts, but for their big hearts. In time, he trained them to be excellent Christian leaders.

Similarly today, even if we don't have a lot of knowledge of the bible, but we sincerely want to please our Lord, he will teach us what we need to know. The key is to be patient and trusting, and to go to God in prayer, in Jesus name, for direction in all things. Finding an experienced Christian to help out and learn from is also a very good idea.

See the Home Christian's Handbook for more information.

How is HomeChristians.Net and home Christians in general supported?

HomeChristians.Net is currently supported privately in service to the Lord. Home Christian groups in general are self-sufficient and self-supporting. Because they meet in homes and do not employ professional clergy or administrative staff, the financial costs are minimal.

Do home Christians reject all organized religion?

Home Christians believe that many religions claiming to be Christian are in fact corrupt, but they also recognize that many Christian leaders are sincere followers of Christ and are doing their best to spread the Gospel and to demonstrate true Christian love. In other words, we believe that religious corruption and true Christianity are living together in today's world, so we must be discerning. (See Acts 20:29-31, Matthew 7:15-23, Matthew 13:24-30)

Many home Christians have found that being a member of a church in addition to their home group has been spiritually beneficial. Others have found that their home group supplies all their spiritual needs. Each Christian must decide for him or herself according to their own bible-based conscience, what the Lord's will for them is.

What is the official doctrine of home Christians?

In our study of the New Testament, we note that people newly converted to Christianity were only asked to repent, accept Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah, and be baptized. So this gives us our first essential doctrine:

1. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our Lord and Savior. He is the ONLY mediator between God, our heavenly Father (Yahweh), and man. His sacrifice provides the payment for our sins. He will return in glory to resurrect the dead, judge mankind, and rule over the earth.

After the death of Jesus and his Apostles, a written record of their teaching was preserved for us in the bible. This gives us our second essential doctrine:

2. The Bible is God's inspired Word, and Christians are bound by its teachings. It is the final authority on Christian belief.

We believe that it is not possible to be a Christian while rejecting either of these pillars of our faith. We also believe that the Christian needs to learn and accept additional truths as he or she progresses, but these two are the foundation.

In the bible there are things we are absolutely sure of, such as Jesus is the Christ, God is love, or humans are born sinful and need a redeemer. There are also other things we are not clear on yet, such as the future fulfillment of prophecy. In discussing these things, the the principle we keep in mind is:

In essentials unity, in non-essentials freedom, in all things love.

Essentials are those things crucial to salvation and which are explicitly and unambiguously stated in scripture. For example, belief in Jesus Christ as Savior is essential. Belief that, for example, the modern state of Israel fulfills prophecy is not. Nor is belief in the Trinity, since it is not explicitly stated anywhere in the bible and was developed after the Apostles were gone. To demand belief in such things is going beyond what the scriptures teach. This may shock some people who hold dearly to so-called "Orthodox" or "Historical" doctrines, but nevertheless, this is the balanced, biblical view of those who prefer truth over tradition.

In various writings posted on this site, additional doctrine has been written based on the experiences of the authors, but the reader is encouraged to examine everything prayerfully in light of the scriptures, according to his or her own conscience, keeping in mind the principle above.

Is there a home Christian group near me?

There very well may be. We try to keep in contact with brethren that fellowship in this simple, home-based manner and may be able to help you. However, the main purpose of HomeChristians.Net is to encourage and support the development of home groups, not to organize them. If you are seeking fellowship, and cannot find a local group you feel comfortable with, we encourage you to try starting your own. It's as easy as inviting people over for coffee or a meal! See the Home Christian's Handbook for more information or contact us.

How can I help HomeChristians.Net?

We are currently looking for upbuilding home church experiences as well as translators for The Good News. If you are interested in contributing, please contact us.