Home Maintenance Inspection

12 Tips for Home Maintenance

Home maintenance is something we all need to do every now and again. Whether it’s keeping the lawn mowed, fixing a leaky pipe, or cleaning out gutters, home maintenance tasks aren't difficult but they do require some effort and planning.

Here's a checklist of things to think about before tackling a home maintenance project:

1. Know What Tools You Need

Before starting any home improvement task, make sure you have the right tools for the job. For instance, if you're going to replace a toilet, you'll need a wrench, pliers, and a screwdriver.

You may also need a hammer, saw, drill, tape measure, flashlight, extension cord, ladder, broom, trash bags, gloves, safety goggles, earplugs, and a first aid kit.

2. Plan Ahead

Make a plan ahead of time so you won't forget anything when you go shopping. Also, try to schedule your projects around times when you're not likely to be interrupted.

For example, if you're replacing a light fixture, you probably wouldn't want to do it during dinner time.

3. Don't Overdo It

Don't overdo it. There's nothing worse than finishing a big project only to realize you've used too much power.

Also, remember that smaller jobs like caulking cracks or painting a room takes less time than larger ones like installing a kitchen countertop.

4. Do One Thing At a Time

It's tempting to jump into several different projects at once. But doing multiple things at once makes it harder to finish them. So, instead of trying to tackle everything at once, focus on just one item at a time until it's finished.

5. Leave Enough Room

Leave yourself plenty of space to move around when you're working on a project.

This goes double if you're working on small spaces like closets, bathrooms, or garages.

6. Use Safety Precautions

Use caution when using power tools. Wear eye protection and use proper technique.

7. Take Your Time

If you rush through a project, you could end up making mistakes and wasting valuable time.

8. Keep Track Of Materials

Keep track of materials as you work. This will help you avoid running out of supplies mid-project.

9. Clean Up After Yourself

Clean up after yourself by wiping down surfaces with a damp cloth.

10. Ask for Help

When you're stuck, ask someone else for help. If you don't know how to fix something, call an expert.

11. Be Prepared

Have a few extra items handy in case you run out of something.

12. Get Organized

Get organized by putting away tools and supplies.

With Octopus Home Inspections, you’ll receive an unbiased, visual home inspection. The home will be thoroughly assessed from roof to foundation to identify any safety issues and help you understand the current conditions and nuances of the property.